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Immunotherapy Is Safe, Radiation May Not Be: Choose Your Cancer Treatment Wisely
Cancer Healer Center is based on the principles of safe treatment. It is a program that advocates holistic healing practices that do not harm the health of cancer patient in any which way. The medications used in Immunotherapy have no adverse effect. The doses are recommended to enhance the Immune Cells of the human body that can fight cancer cells. Immunotherapy is better than Radiation therapy as the latter is noticed to have certain side effects. A research study indicated that radiation therapy performed for early stage breast cancer carries a significant risk of heart disease. It is observed that radiation performed on the left breast increases the risk since that also exposes the heart to radiation. Researcher David Brenner, professor of radiation biophysics at Columbia University Medical Center, in New York City confirmed that the radiation exposure associated with left-breast cancer radiotherapy is associated with some risk of heart disease at some point late in lifespan.
Cancer patient receiving radiation on their right breast while lying face down, the heart is out of the field of radiation hence risk is lowered. Cancer experts say that all cancer therapies need to find a balance in risks and benefits. Radiation therapy to left breast holds a significant damage to heart. Many women avoid radiation therapy for cancer due to this concern. Immunotherapy is safe, it can be considered in cancer patients who are not comfortable with the hazards of radiation therapy. Although radiation treatment is far improved than what was used twenty years ago but it is still frowned upon by many medical experts promoting holistic healing. Radiation to cure cancer of the breast can increase heart ailment, is highlighted by Dr. Stephanie Bernik, chief of surgical oncology at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City. It is important that when considering radiation therapy the patient speaks to the doctor. Ensure that the radiation therapy limits the amount of radiation that reaches the heart. Dr. Bernik says that vital organs can be protected but excluding them to 100 percent on the left side is a tedious job. The chance of developing a heart disease later on in life should not deter women from considering radiation therapy but immunotherapy in coordination is a wise option. Doctors at Cancer Healer Center suggest that Immunotherapy be considered to fight the adverse effects of Radiation Therapy.