The neuroendocrine system is made up of nerve and gland cells. It makes hormones and releases them into the bloodstream which regulates the body. Neuro means nerve and endocrine means the cells of the endocrine system. Neuroendocrine cells are spread throughout the body organ such as bowel, lung, stomach and pancreas.
A neuroendocrine tumour (NETs) is a tumour of the neuroendocrine system. NETs often grow slowly, and it may be several years before symptoms appear and the tumour is diagnosed. NETs are classified according to where the cancer started in the body;
Carcinoid tumours(Lung)
Pancreatic NETs
Lung NETs
Small bowel NETs
Large bowel NETs
Appendiceal NETs
Gastric NETs
Risk Factors
The exact causes of NETs are unknown, however there are few factors that increase the cancer risk.
These include:
Genes: People who have a rare family syndrome (Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN 1) & Von Hippel-Lindau syndrome (VHL)) have a higher risk of developing NETs. About 30-60% of patients with MEN1 will develop a neuroendocrine tumor. About 11-17% of patients with VHL will develop a neuroendocrine/carcinoid tumor
Tobacco: Small cell lung cancer (SCLC), large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma (LCNEC) and neuroendocrine tumors are strongly associated with tobacco smoking
Family history: Some types of neuroendocrine tumours are more common in people with a family history of the disease or other types of cancer
Plasmacytoma in the bones results in weak bone (osteoporosis) which can cause bone pain as well as bones become more prone to get fractured.
It also results in lytic lesion in the bone or spine which further causes pain in back extending to legs.
Increased calcium level which results in kidney problem.
Due to accumulation of abnormal cells in bone marrow, there is reduction in normal RBC, Platelets and WBC counts which causes anemia, weakness and more prone to other infections.
Blood tests: As discussed above due to abnormal plasma cell overgrowth other blood counts get reduced. CBC helps to know the level of RBC, Platelets and WBC. Kidney function tests and serum calcium help to assess the renal insufficiency.
Serum and urine electrophoresis: Abnormal protein produced by plasma cells known as monoclonal protein or M protein can be found in blood. This test helps to measure the abnormal Immunoglobulin produced by clonal plasma cells. Immunoglobulin consists of two light and two heavy protein chains. In multiple myeloma these light chains are sometime secreted in the urine, also called Bence - Jones protein which is evaluated through urine electrophoresis.
B-2 microgobulin: It is another light chain protein which helps to assess the prognosis rather than diagnosis.
Quantitative Immunoglobulin levels helps to assess the abnormal levels of specific Immunoglobulin. In multiple myeloma IgG paraprotien is the most common.
Free light chain assay i.e. Kappa and Lambda produced by malignant cells help to assess their ratio. Any abnormality in their ratio suggests Myeloma.
Bone marrow Biopsy: Increased percentage of plasma cells (at least 10%) in the bone marrow helps to diagnose multiple myeloma.
Imaging: MM x-rays show distinct, round (lytic) areas of bone erosion; generalized thinning of the bones or fractures at the time of diagnosis. The bones most commonly involved are the vertebrae, the ribs, the pelvic bones, and the bones of the thigh and upper arm. Other imaging tests may be done for better assessment of extent of disease. These may include magnetic resonance imaging, computerized tomography, or positron emission tomography.
Multiple myeloma is a disease that cannot be prevented as very few cases are linked to avoidable risk factors.
Cancer healer therapy work on the principle of Immunotherapy, that helps to treat patient suffering from Multiple myeloma in early, as well as advance stage. Medicines help to enhance the immune cells of the body which in turn results in boosting of body’s own Immune system so much so that body itself can fight back the disease. Initial line of action in cases of Multiple myeloma is always to control the disease first and to maintain a healthy and improved quality of life. As compared to conventional treatments, cancer healer therapy has no side effects on the bone; rather it helps in bone strengthening. Multiple Myeloma patients usually suffer a lot due to the bone pains. Immunotherapy gives relief in the bone pains and also maintains a better quality of life. Cancer healer medicines can also be given along with chemotherapy without any interference. As an added advantage, cancer healer therapy helps to overcome the side effects of chemotherapy so that cancer patients can tolerate it in much better way. Book your appointment with India’s top doctors to get best multiple myeloma treatment on affordable cost.