Breast Cancer is a disease that many women fear. There is a constant dread of developing cancer and not realizing they are affected before it is...
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This century has been the era of Antioxidants. We hear, feel, eat and apply antioxidants in every product these days. Marketing agencies have fo...
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Cancer Healers promotes well-being of their patients as well as their care givers. The medical expert’s team at the clinic impart the impo...
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Cancer is dreadful. But it can be treated if diagnosed on time. Chemotherapy, Radiation, surgery is the primary option. But, experts believe tha...
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Intestinal gut is the hub of all microbial activities. It is home to many friendly bacteria that are essential for our wellbeing. The human inte...
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Cancer Healer Center excels in Immunotherapy that involves encouraging the human body’s own immune system to recognise and destroy cancer ...
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Immune cells play a pivotal role in fighting cancer cells in the body. Scientists have discovered that by counting the number of cancer-fighting...
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Cancer is a dreadful disease that damages the balance of life for the individual as well as caregiver. The early detection of cancer presence ca...
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Cancer is multifaceted. It damages the healthy cells of the body as well as some serious side-effects. The conventional treatment options of can...
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Losing your optimism during cancer is normal. The ailment can, at times, be very draining, resulting in sadness and even depression. However, th...
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Cervical Cancer is a leading cause of cancer deaths in women. Early Screening & Vaccination is a key strategy to decline the number of death...
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As February is Gallbladder and Bile Duct Cancer Awareness Month, so it is the best time to get educated about these cancers. Though these ...
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Breast Cancer is a kind of cancer that develops from the breast cells. This cancer is the most invasive cancer in females. Breast cancer r...
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Positivity means different things to different people. Most of us try to stay optimistic during challenging spells, but sadly, it isn’t po...
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Cancer is a life threatening disease. We are aware of the fact that every year millions of people die from cancer all around the globe. However,...
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Cancer is one of the diseases that have made doctors and scientists all over the world to join hands and find ways to fight it back. A lot of re...
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Cancer has posed such a great threat to the entire human population that doctors are trying every method available to find a cure. Conventional ...
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Immunotherapy or alternative cancer treatment has attracted a lot of attention in recent years. The inability of conventional medicines to provi...
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Ovarian cancer is one of the major cancers that pose threat to a woman. In most cases it does not have any specific symptoms and this makes it d...
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A few statistics related to cancer will make it very clear to you how endemic the problem has become. Globally every year, 1.38 million deaths o...
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Remember you are not dying from cancer, you are living with it. Facing cancer can be hard and having to travel around for treatment can be harde...
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Cancer is feared because it is not understood. It’s all about the lack of knowledge, and this doubt needs to be removed. The word needs to...
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We all have cells that could become cancerous due to various factors. With normal functioning of the immune system, the body can remove these ca...
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Cancer does not only affect the life of an individual, but also the family. Family plays a very important role in helping a person cope up with ...
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Cancer has often been associated with, an unhealthy lifestyle, and a slew of bad habits. However, recent research suggests, that a lot of people...
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One in six cancers i.e. two million a year globally are caused by curable and avoidable infections. Infections can increase the risk of developi...
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The consequences of drinking in excess can be worst than a malicious hangover or crazy dancing. Regular drinking can increase your risk for majo...
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Age-associated changes in a biochemical process that helps control genes may be responsible for some of the increased risk of cancer seen in old...
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Cancer has always been associated with bad habits, and an unhealthy lifestyle. However, this is not always the case. Most of the times, it is ot...
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A tumour (neoplasm), the abnormal mass of tissue, which may be solid or fluid filled, have often been liked with cancer. However, tumours can be...
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When someone is told, that they have cancer, we should respect their state of mind, at that point of time. The shock, the disbelief, the feeling...
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Cancer has emerged, in India, in the recent past, as being highly prevalent. Not only amongst the middle aged and the old, but the younger gener...
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People with cancer experience not only loss of hair and body parts but also their self confidence. Cancer treatment can change the way you feel ...
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Research to elucidate ways in which a patient’s immune system can be harnessed to inhibit tumour growth is the most common topic of resear...
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Cancer, one of the most widely prevalent diseases in the world, gives no notice when it decides to set itself on ome poor unfortunate soul. One ...
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Pancreatic Cancer, is a cancer of the pancreas, an organ located behind the stomach. Signs and symptoms, again, may include abdominal pain, yell...
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“...We have the belief and the resolve that each of us can make a difference and in sharing strength we stand together, the word we share,...
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Cancer, one of the leading causes of death, in this country, has till date, held its place as a mysterious disease. This is because most people ...
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Cancer stage is a term that denotes the stage of the cancer, when it is first diagnosed. Being sure of what stage the disease is at, is very imp...
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Cancer, is no doubt a deadly killer, slowly spreading its venom throughout the body, and the sad thing, is that we do not usually, set about dia...
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Cancer is a deadly killer, claiming thousands of lives every year, chiefly due to the fact, that the early symptoms are completely ignored, and ...
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Obesity is one of the most serious public health challenges faced today. You are obese if you weigh at least 20% more than your normal weight co...
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This is a season of festivities. With Navratri and Dussehra, one can expect celebrations to erupt all over the country. No matter who, where, or...
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We are made up of around hundred million million cells with more than 200 different types of cells. And cancer is a disease which is caused by u...
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Cancer is a dreaded disease which takes thousands of lives every year across the globe ruthlessly, and does not allow people to see the twilight...
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Cancer is one of the most widespread illnesses in India claiming a lot of lives every year, primarily because it goes un-diagnosed or misdiagnos...
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Cancer affects your body, mind and soul. It is a disease that destroys the whole family. Chemotherapy, radiation and surgery are options. ...
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Cancer is a deadly disease and can affect people of all ages, including children. Parents are simply not prepared to deal with the physical and ...
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Cancer does not kill. It is the attitude towards it that destroys you. Challenge cancer and opt for one of the best treatment in India. A cancer...
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