Tumors are abnormal growths in your body which are made of extra cells. Typically, cells grow and divide to form new cells as the body needs them. The body balances cell growth and division. Old cells eventually die and are automatically replaced with new, healthy ones. Sometimes, this process goes awry. New cells form at an excessive rate when your body does not need them and old cells do not die when they should. When these extra cells, dead cells remain to form a mass, it is called a Tumor.
Tumors can either be benign or malignant. Benign tumors are non-cancerous, malignant ones are:
Being diagnosed with a brain tumor is stressful to say the least. It leads to emotional and
physical implications that can affect a person’s personal life. Many people find it difficult to
even discuss the diagnosis with their family and friends, but one should always realise that an
honest and open conversation, and expressing feelings and concerns, is an essential step towards
getting the right help.
At Cancer Healer Center we provide our patients with support at each and every step of the way.
Our health care team has years of experience and specialises in providing care for the patient,
and their families. With quality treatment and palliative care, we ensure that our patients are
comfortable and can enjoy a pain free life.
Adenomas: Originate from glandularepithelium.They may or may not form a glandular pattern. The epithelial tissue is a thin layer of tissues covering organs, glands, and other structures. Eg. polypgrowth in the colon or growths on liver, pituitary or thyroid gland
Fibromas (Fibroid): Tumors made up of smooth muscle cells and fibrous connective tissues found in the uterus during childbearing years
Lipomas: Grow from fat cells, often found in neck, shoulders, back or arms
Myomas: Grow in the muscle cell or in the walls of blood vessels
Meningiomas: Tumors that develop from the membrane surrounding the brain and spinal cord.
Neuromas: Tumours that grow from nerves. They can occur almost anywhere in nerves that run throughout the body
Ostechondromas: The most common type of benign bone tumor. These tumors usually appear as a painless bulge near the joints such as the knee or shoulder
Nevi also known as moles are benign growths on the skin
Papilloma: Tumors that grow from surface lining epithelial tissue and make finger-like projections. They grow on the skin, cervix, breast ducts, conjunctiva. They may be benign or malignant
At Cancer Healer Center treatment for Benign Tumorsis recommended only when there are symptoms. Patients approach us when they detect a growth during a routine check or they have symptoms that may indicate a tumor.
One can live with benign tumors as long as it not causing any pain or discomfort or is not changing or growing.Some types of benign tumors can become cancerous over time; early detection and timely medical intervention can make all the difference. Also,being optimistic and positive goes a long way!!!
November is World Lung Cancer Awareness Month. Experts are baffled
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Lung cancer is one of the most common cancers in both men and
November is World Lung Cancer Awareness Month. Experts are baffled