Cervical cancer happens when cells in the cervix begin to grow out of control and they can invade nearby tissues or spread throughout the body. There are two main types of cervical cancers: squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma.
Women who have healthy immune systems are less exposed to Human Papilloma Viral infections, but every year thousands of women are affected by this virus which leads to cancer. Young women are more exposed to this virus as compared to older women.
Risk Factors
Cervical cancer risk factors include:
Human Papilloma Virus Infection: The most important risk factor for cervical cancer is infection by the human papilloma virus (HPV). Different types of HPVs cause warts on different parts of the body. Certain types of HPV may cause warts on or around the female genital organs and in the anal area. HPV types 16 & 18 records the most cases of cervical cancer.
Smoking: When someone smokes, they are exposed to high risk of cervical cancer.
Diet: Women whose diets don't include enough fruits and vegetables are at an increased risk of getting the disease.
Oral Contraceptives: Taking oral contraceptives for a long time increases the risk of cancer of the cervix.
Immunosuppression: Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the virus that causes AIDS, damages the immune system and puts women at higher risk for HPV infections.
There are no signs & symptoms in the early stages. Most of the symptoms begin to appear in the later stages. The hospitals offering cervical cancer treatment in India and around list the most common symptoms listed below :-
Abnormal vaginal bleeding between periods, after intercourse, or after menopause.
Vaginal discharge that does not stop, and may be pale, watery, pink, brown, bloody, or foul-smelling.
Periods that become heavier and last longer than usual.
Cervical Cancer: Stages
Stage I -
Cancer cells have advanced to deeper tissues from superficial tissues of cervix. No spread to nearby lymph nodes or to distant sites
IA - Cancer cells only visible under a microscope.
IA1 - The depth of the cancer affected area ranges between 3 mm – 5 mm and is only visible under a microscope.
IB - The cancer affected area has gone deeper than 5 mm and is confined to the cervix.
IB1 - The depth of the cancer affected area ranges between 5 mm – 2 cm.
IB2 - The depth of the cancer affected area ranges between 2 cm – 4 cm.
IB3 - The cancer affected area is at least 4 cm deep and is confined to the cervix
Stage II -
The cancer has further spread from cervix but has not reached the pelvic walls or vagina No spread to nearby lymph nodes or to distant sites
IIA -The cancer has further spread from cervix but has not spread to the tissues close to the cervix
IIA1 - The cancer affected area is either less than or equal to 4 cm
IA2 - The cancer affected area is either equal to or more than 4 cm
IIB - The cancer has further spread from cervix and has spread to the tissues close to the cervix
Stage III –
The cervical cancer has spread to the pelvic walls or lower part of vagina. The tumor may also block the ureters. It may have spread to nearby lymph nodes but no to any distant sites
III A–The cervical cancer has spread to the lower part of vagina but not to the pelvic walls. No spread to nearby lymph nodes or to distant sites
III B–The cervical cancer has spread to the pelvic walls leading to blockage of one or both ureters. No spread to nearby lymph nodes or to distant sites
III C –The cancer can be of any size but has spread to the nearby pelvic or aortic lymph nodes. No spread to distant sites
Stage IV – Distant spread of cancer has taken place either to urinary bladder, rectum, or lungs.
IVA – Distant spread of cancer has taken place either to urinary bladder, rectum, or beyond the pelvic region.
IVB – Distant spread of cancer beyond the pelvic region such as lymph nodes, lungs and bones.
Before any tests are done, complete physical examination of the patient is done. Later the following tests are done to confirm the presence of cancer cells.
Cervical Biopsies: Several types are used to diagnose the presence of cervical cancer. Types of biopsies include colposcopic biopsy, cone biopsy and endocervical curettage.
Abnormal Pap tests: An abnormal Pap test result may mean more testing, sometimes including tests to see if a cancer or a pre-cancer is actually present.
Other tests: These include CT scan, chest X-ray, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT) scans.
Regular screening & Pap smears can detect early signs of cervical cancer. This action plays a vital role in preventing the disease.
Colposcopy: For some women, both HPV test & Pap test are preferred as a part of screening. If the tests come out with abnormal results, women should go for a complete evaluation involving colposcopy procedure. The colposcope is an instrument (that stays outside the body) that has magnifying lenses (like binoculars). It lets the doctor see the surface of the cervix closely and clearly.
Quit Smoking: Quitting smoking is another way to reduce the risk of cervical cancer.
Get Vaccinated: Several vaccines have been developed to protect women from the risk of the cancer.
Avoid contact with human papilloma virus ( HPV): Avoiding exposure to HPV could help you lower the risk of this cancer.
Looking for cervical cancer treatment in India? Cancer Healer Center has got you covered.
Cervical Cancer treatment options depend on many factors such as the result of the tests, the location of cancer, and whether it has spread, your age and general health and whether you would like to have children in future. Immunotherapy is the use of medicines to stimulate a person’s immune system to recognize and destroy the cancer cells effectively. Immunotherapy for cervical cancer can be used to treat the condition that has spread or come back.
Be it Squamous cell cancer or Adenocarcinoma, Cancer Healer Therapy has been an effective cervical cancer treatment successful in treating all types of cervical cancer. Based on the principle of Immunotherapy, Cancer Healer Therapy enhances the body’s immune system to fight against the disease without any major side effects like:
No damage to taste buds is done and the strength of the bones is maintained.
The stage of a cervical cancer is the most important factor in choosing cervical cancer treatment. But other factors also affect your treatment options such as the exact location of the cancer within the cervix, the type of cancer, and your age and overall health.
Hair loss, infections, pain, diarrhea, weight loss, etc.
Normal cells are taken care of unlike other therapies which along with cancer cells destroy normal working cells.
Treatment may be used alone or in conjunction with other treatments such as radiation therapy, chemotherapy.
Contact us now for Cervical Cancer Treatment in India using immunotherapy.