The Urinary bladder serves as a reservoir for urine in our bodies. It permits the storage of urine for a period of time before releasing it as we urinate. Bladder cancer occurs when cells in the lining of the bladder grow uncontrollably and form tumors that can invade normal tissues and spread to other parts of the body.
It is the fourth most common cancer in men and the eighth most common cancer in women.
Smoking: Smoking cigarettes increases the risk of bladder cancer by 4 times. People with the highest risk are those who smoke heavily, began smoking at a young age, or who have been smoking for a long time. Smoking cigars and pipes also increases bladder cancer risk
Chemicals: Chemicals like arylamines are known to cause bladder cancer. However it can take up to 25 years for a bladder cancer to develop. Other chemicals like chlorine which is used to disinfect water, can break down into chemicals called trihalomethanes (THMs). Some studies have linked the exposure of THMs with bladder cancer risk
Cancer treatments: Treatment with radiotherapy and chemotherapy drugs like cyclophosphamide and cisplatin also increase the risk.
Diabetes: People who have diabetes have been found to have an increase in their risk of developing bladder of around a third in comparison to people who do not have diabetes. This is probably due to a particular drug used in type 2 diabetes treatments called pioglitazone (which is a type of thiazolidinedione)
Bladder stones: Presence of stones in the bladder increases the risk of bladder cancer. This is because stones can cause chronic infections.
Cytologic examination: It is one of the most common tests for screening bladder cancer. It involves testing urine for the presence of abnormal cells, which would indicate the possibility of a cancer. Over 95% of the time it accurately predicts the presence of bladder cancer.
Ultrasound scan: This test can help find the blockage in the tubes between the kidney and the bladder
CT Scan: This test allows to find if the blood in the urine is coming from the bladder or from other parts of the urinary tract.
Intravenous Urogram: It is an X-ray examination that looks at the whole of the urinary system and helps find out whether it is healthy or not.
The etiologyof benign tumors is unknown, but several factors mayinfluence these formations
Bladder cancer treatment and bladder cancer surgery depends on the type of cancer, how advanced the cancer is, its spread and the age of the patient. At Cancer Healer Center, we use Cancer Healer Therapy which stimulates the immune system to fight cancer with complete, effective and long- lasting cure for patients. Be it the advanced or last stage, bladder cancer treatment and turbt surgery is available for all stages. The treatment aims to fight cancer and restores the ability of the Immune system to eliminate cancer cells in the future. Immunotherapy treatment can be taken in parallel with the conventional treatment; it will help in preventing the side effects of the same. While choosing the best bladder cancer treatment, you and your team will take into consideration your age, your overall health and your personal preferences.
One can live with benign tumors as long as it not causing any pain or discomfort or is not changing or growing.Some types of benign tumors can become cancerous over time; early detection and timely medical intervention can make all the difference. Also,being optimistic and positive goes a long way!!!
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