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The pancreas is a gland which is located in the abdomen- behind the stomach and in front of the spine. Cancer is a class of diseases which is characterized by uncontrollable cell growth, and pancreatic cancer occurs when this uncontrolled cell growth begins in the pancreas. Rather than developing into fit, normal pancreas tissue, these atypical cells continue dividing and form masses of tissue called tumors. About seventy percent of pancreatic cancers occur in the head of the pancreas, and most of these begin in the ducts that carry the enzymes. It is the 10th most common cancer which is more common in older people. The exact cause of pancreatic cancer is still unknown, however there are few factors that increase the risk, these are:
Smoking: Cigarettes, cigars, pipes and chewing tobacco all increases the risk of pancreatic cancer
Medical conditions: Risk of pancreatic cancer is increased if you have a record of
Stomach ulcer
Hereditary pancreatitis
Hepatitis virus infection etc.
Alcohol: 7 out of 10 cases of chronic cancer is due to long term drinking
Diet: Excess red meat consumption is linked to pancreatic cancer
Genetics. 5- 10% of people with pancreatic cancer have an immediate family member who also had the disease
Few of the most common symptoms include:
Pain in the upper abdomen or back
Jaundice: a condition that causes yellowing of the eyes and skin and darkening of urine
Weight loss and loss of appetite
Itching: if you have bad jaundice you might encounter itching
Blood clots may form in the deep veins in the legs
Nausea and vomiting
Also Newly developed diabetes is the presenting sign in ten to twenty percent of patients. This is caused by the cancerous pancreas inability to produce insulin. By making few healthy changes in your lifestyle you can avoid this dreadful disease. There are no established guidelines for preventing pancreatic cancer, however it is advisable to
Quit smoking because cigarette is considered to be one of the main causes of pancreatic cancer
Keep a healthy weight, exercise and increase consumption of fruits, vegetables and whole grains
Increase foods rich in vitamin B (B6, B12 and Folate) as they are considered to reduce the risk of cancer
There are several treatments available for pancreatic cancer. Few of the most common traditional treatments include- Chemotherapy, Radiation therapy, Surgery, Hormone therapy etc. But most of these treatments result in side effects like hair loss, damage to normal cells, bone loss etc. However a new treatment developed in this field called Immunotherapy fights cancer without any major side effects. Know more about the treatment here: www.cancerhealercenter.com Pancreatic cancer is a curable cancer if diagnosed in the early stage. Hence make sure that you consult your physicians yearly regarding the same and maintain a healthy way of living. Remember quality begins from inside, and then works its way out. So stay positive and get your way out.