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Immunotherapy or alternative cancer treatment has attracted a lot of attention in recent years. The inability of conventional medicines to provide complete relief to the patients of cancer has made doctors to turn to the age-old wisdom and develop therapies for cancer treatment. Immunotherapy – the way to a healthy life The followers of immunotherapy propose people to use diet, exercises, herbs, devices and chemicals to make their body strong so that it can resist the onslaught of diseases like cancer.
Consuming more of vitamin C, D, iron and folic acids and being active are all part of the regime of immunotherapy. Most doctors claim to have achieved success to the great extent. They have taken their researches to higher levels and devised alternative cancer treatments. Cancer treatment – how India is showing the way In India too several doctors took the onus on them to find a remedy to the suffering of people.
The increase in the number of people affected by blood cancer, cervical cancer, and lung cancer made them to think of developing alternative cancer treatment in India. There are hospitals in India where conventional treatment is available, but most of these are located in big cities and out of reach of common people. Moreover, the treatment is costly, time consuming and painful. We all know that how chemotherapy can sometimes cause side effects that often become unbearable to the patients. Dr. Krishna is one such cancer specialist in India who appreciated the situation very well and used his knowledge to develop alternative cancer medicine.
His hard work and experience culminated in the discovery of cancer healer, a pioneer therapy in the field of cancer treatment. What is cancer healer? Cancer healer is a therapy that is being developed by Dr. Krishna. This drug has been found to be effective in treating various types of cancer and has even saved many lives. Dr. Krishna’s passion is shared by his son, Dr. Tarang Krishna who is also a cancer specialist.
Dr. Tarang Krishna is responsible for making cancer healer available to all and at affordable rates. He has also popularized the concepts of immunotherapy and made people believe in their abilities to combat cancer. He is a strong believer that optimism and confidence can make people fight cancer successfully and even win against it. Cancer treatment in India has improved due to his hard work and dedication. He has successfully used cancer healer to treat different types of cancer and also at advanced levels. He is researching further, and we hope that he finds a way to cure cancer as well.
Today, people have started believing that cancer can be cured and that they can lead a happy and normal life, thanks to the efforts of Dr. Tarang Krishna. We sincerely wish that his endeavors get more recognition and people from all walks of life benefit from his therapy.
CHETAN Jan 01, 1970, 2 months ago
My contact no is 9930729796. My father is detected with cancer third time. Plz tell me immunotherapy cost
Reshma Nair Jan 01, 1970, 2 months ago
My grandfather is 71 years old, has very recently been detected with throat cancer (Squamous Carcinoma), advanced stage. We have met 3 Drs all of them are recommending surgery but my GF is not very keen. Similarly have heard Radiation & Chemo will also take a toll. Is there any other option for him ??
Anirudha Totewar Feb 09, 8965, 2 months ago
Hello Sir. I am looking for an alternate treatment post surgery for Colon Cancer. I am on adjuvant Chemotherapy right now. Can you help ?
amit singh Jan 01, 1970, 2 months ago
hello my father's age 57 years old .few days ago his body right upper lung cancer in 4th stage and docter told us we can't do anything. so sir plz guide me what I do?
Paramjit Singh Jan 01, 1970, 2 months ago
What is the Immunotherapy treatment cost in India?
sandeep kour Jan 01, 1970, 2 months ago
hello my mother is 67 years old diagnosed with non hodkin lymphoma of b cells after 4 cycles of r chop and 4 cycles of rise chemotherapy disease is still their . NOw doctor has put her on oral medicine and single inter vein dose of rituximab after 22 days . kindly guide us what to do
Uday kumar Jan 01, 1970, 2 months ago
We r proud of u Dr Krishna for treating cancer patients natural way. I am 68 with normal health pl let me know the periodical checkups for cancer and what is the cost involved . I wanted to go through all such tests in new Delhi . Uday. Kumar - kanpur
suchitra Feb 09, 0481, 2 months ago
Natural Herbal Cure Jan 01, 1970, 2 months ago
I feel great that finally we got a solution on cancer. Dr. Krishna has did this marvelous job and raise the Indian flag over the world…