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People with cancer experience not only loss of hair and body parts but also their self confidence. Cancer treatment can change the way you feel about yourself. You may feel less confident due to the changes in your body structure. So is there a treatment that cures cancer without any of these side effects? Immunotherapy is the answer! It is a therapy that uses the body’s immune system to fight against cancer without any side effects like:
Hair loss, infections, pain, nausea, weight loss etc.
Normal cells are not affected during the treatment
Also no damage to the taste buds or loss of bone mass
Cancer Healer Center Uses ‘Cancer Healer’ therapy- an Immunotherapy which has shown almost cent percent results in treating cancers like Bladder cancer. It is one of the most common cancers in both men and women. Few of the most common risk factors that augment the cancer risk are:
Smoking: ‘Arylamines’ in cigarettes is considered to be the cause of increasing the risk of cancer by upto 4 times compared to non- smokers.
Chemicals at work: Dye workers, rubber workers, aluminium workers etc. are at a higher risk as they work with chemicals like arylamines, arsenic, phenols which are considered to cause bladder cancer.
Diabetes: Type 2 diabetic patients are at high risk due to the use of drug called pioglitazone which increases the bladder cancer risk by three folds.
Repeated Bladder infection: According to research people who have had many bladder infections or chronic infections have chances of developing the disease.
Gender: This type of cancer is more common in men than women.
Family history: People with family history have chances of developing the cancer themselves.
The most common symptoms which can help diagnose the disease are:
Blood or blood clots in the urine
Frequent urination
Pain during urination
Swelling in the lower legs
Pain in the lower back around the kidneys
Unexplained weight loss
Note: The above symptoms may occur during other bladder infection. If the symptoms are prolonged, than a Doctor should be consulted for the same. Few of the healthy habits like avoiding tobacco, eating green leafy vegetables, constantly hydrating and maintaining healthy weight can reduce the risk of bladder cancer to a great extent. Remember you are the creator of your own destination. Small precautions can save you from a dreadful disease.
Swarnali chandra Feb 09, 3376, 2 months ago
My father is suffering fromstage iv galbladder cancer with few leison in liver..is immunotherapy a better solution than chemotherapy?