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Cancer is a dreaded disease which takes thousands of lives every year across the globe ruthlessly, and does not allow people to see the twilight years of their lives. Premature death due to cancer is very common, only a few hospitals deal with it and most of the times they only offer a singular branch of treatment known as Chemotherapy which makes you lose your appetite, hair and the will to live. It is not that chemotherapy is all that bad, many meaningful results have been obtained using this treatment.
However, chemotherapy does have its side effects. It does not help, if you start losing your hair and your hunger during this period. Chemotherapy makes use of chemical substances that are given to prolong life, and reduce the symptoms of cancer. This kind of treatment is often used in conjunction with radiation therapy, surgery, etc.
Traditional chemotherapeutic agents, kill cells that divide rapidly. This mostly includes cancer cells, but on the flip side, this also kills normal cells, in the bone marrow, digestive tract, and hair follicles. All chemotherapeutic agents cause a depression of the immune system paralyzing the bone marrow leading to a marked decrease in the WBC, RBC and platelet count. Nausea and vomiting along with general gastrointestinal distress become common and this causes malnutrition and dehydration.
Immunotherapy, on the other hand involves strengthening of the immune system so that the body itself can fight back the spread of cancerous cells. Immunotherapy helps to destroy and reject cancerous tumors. This is great, because it does not kill and diminish the regular cells of the body, but the body recognizes the cancerous cells and starts to fight them back bit by bit. In addition, there is no visible side effect because no normal cells are being killed. In this manner, a person does not lose weight or appetite or hair.
This is a slightly different method of treatment from chemotherapy, because chemotherapy depends almost entirely on external chemicals to kill cells, cancerous or otherwise. Dr Krishna's Cancer Healer Center propagates Immunotherapy as a branch for cancer treatment. Cancer Healer Center has a comprehensive treatment method that does not only rely on the treatment thoroughly but also provides a lot of external stimuli in terms of counseling along with psychological and behavioral support and good diets, to make sure that the person is able to fight cancerous cells away, and slowly start regaining health.
Mukesh Kumar Feb 09, 1954, 2 months ago
I have non-hodgking lymphoma. Diffuse large B cell lymphoma R-chop chemo chl rha h .isske liye Aapke pass kon SA treatment process h aur immunotherapy per cycle kya price rs. H.
Chandan khemka Feb 09, 3047, 2 months ago
Can mouth cancer cured by immunotherapy ?
Dr Yangchen Dolma Jan 01, 1970, 2 months ago
My husband has been diagnosed as adenocarcinoma stomach with metastasis at omental lymph nodes,no distant metastasis to organs He is presently on chemotherapy and following protocol of Tata institute mumbai.We r planing to go for immunotherapy shortly keeping in view the side effects of chemotherapy and for a better outcome.Plz guide us how to go for it.Thank u.
Nabanita Islam Jan 01, 1970, 2 months ago
My mother is suffering from stage 4 colon cancer which is spread to the liver(though the report says the tumor is grade-1),she is 41. Doctors here did her surgery and removed the tumor but said it is spread to extent and chemo treatment may be wont work,but my mother is fine so after her surgery ,she can walk,talk,eat.Her kidney,lungs,pressure everything is ok.So will be there any treatment at ur center like immunetherapy and anything which can help her to survive??pls reply me ASAP,otherwise it can be late,pls.Cz if u can assure we will bring her to India ASAP.
Amitesh Chaturvedi Feb 09, 4309, 2 months ago
My mother is suffering from thyroid cancer and her age is 69.
Sandeep Paul Jan 01, 1970, 2 months ago
My dad is suffering from Seminal Vesicles cancer as primary and secondary at Liver which is a very rare type of cancer so kindly investigate the possible treatment and update me. Also advise me about the charges as Immunotherapy is an expensive treatment.
Mayur Jan 01, 1970, 2 months ago
Hi , my father is suffering from gall bladder cancer and liver been infected as well . Currently he's under treatment of chemotherapy . Can immunotherapy can be done with his case ? And can be cured ? If yes can we have details of your centre near Ahmedabad , Gujarat please . Thanks
Kirit Jan 01, 1970, 2 months ago
My father have metastate prostate cancer, may be spread to bone. Yet not started chemo. Treatment is possible through immunotherapy?
Ashish Jan 01, 1970, 2 months ago
Hi My father is diagnosed with colorectal cancer. Is it possible to treat with Immunotherapy? He is a patient of Motor neurologist desease and heart related issues. Is Immunotherapy possible for him?
Jiten Jan 01, 1970, 2 months ago
Can oral, mouth cancer cured by immunotherapy only without doing any surgery?
Rajiv Singh Panghal Jan 01, 1970, 2 months ago
Can immunotherapy be taken along with chemotherapy, as my mother had a cervix cancer and it occurred third time and currently having chemotherapy, so please revert thanks
Ichhya Khadka Jan 01, 1970, 2 months ago
Hello, I am journalist and husband of a CA Ovary patient from Nepal. I just came to know that there is a Therapy called "Immunotherapy" in this world for Cancer patient. My wife have been passed through neoadjuvant chemo -CRS-adjuvant chemo, line II oral chemo and now at line third chemo with agent "PacliAll" 100mg, D1,D8 and D15 for next three month. All these chemo are doing destructions rather than construction, as they are Toxin. You have stated some good in your post above, can we believe upon this.? I have been Delhi, BLkapoor and RajivGadnhi for my wife but never heard about this Therapy prior although I have tried with "Kangra Herbs" from Ptitampura, Delhi.
Alpa Jan 01, 1970, 2 months ago
Can we give both chemo and immunio thearypy to cancer patient