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Cancer of Small Intestine : The Big Picture

Cancer of Small Intestine : The Big Picture

Posted in: Cancer by Dr. Tarang Krishna Posted Date: 27 May, 2016

What is Small Intestine?

The small intestine, also known as small bowel intestine lies between the colon and the stomach. It is approximately 20 feet long and its primary role is to digest and absorb nutrients from the food that we eat.

What is Small Intestine Cancer?

Small Intestine Cancer or small bowel cancer begins in small bowel’s gland cells called Sarcoma. As an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, therefore one must be aware about the symptoms, risk factors and diagnosis of the Small Intestine Cancer.

What are the symptoms of Small Intestine Cancer?

The following signs should not be ignored:

• Tiredness

•  Weight loss without trying

•  Deficiency of Iron in the body

•  Visible blood loss

•  Frequent vomiting

•  Jaundice

Risk Factors of Small Intestine Cancer

•  Gender: It occurs more in men than in women.

•  Age Factor:It is more common in older people.

•  Smoking

•  Alcohol

•  Consuming a High Fat Diet

•  Colon Cancer Survivors stays at an increased risk of getting it.

How is it diagnosed?

•  Computed Tomography or CT Scan

•  Endoscopy

•  Biopsy

•  X-Ray

•  Blood Tests

About The Author

Picture of Cancer Specialist Dr. Tarang Krishna

Dr. Tarang Krishna

Dr. Tarang Krishna, Director at Cancer Healer Center, is the perfect epitome of perseverance and dedication.

He has an impressive educational background to his credit. He completed his under-graduation in Medicine and Surgery from Pune, India and did his MD (Hom) from Agra University, India.Thesis on MD was on "Treatment of cancer" where he presented cases of almost 100 patients and the response of the medicines in the treatment of cancer. He then completed his Ph.d in Oncology from the United Kingdom and his thesis on the ‘Efficacy of Medicines in the Treatment of Cancer’ is greatly commemorated and honored.

He befittingly represents alternate medicine and has contributed significantly towards the development and research of immunotherapy.

Through his nationwide chain of “Cancer Healer Center” clinics he strives to offer superior cancer treatment, using immunotherapy.

27 May, 2016
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