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Everyday, someone, somewhere in our country, loses the battle to cancer, the stealthiest killer in terms of being a terminal illness. Everyday, someone loses someone special to them, because either the cancer was detected, too late, or the treatment was wrong, or the treatment couldn't be afforded, or sometimes, even a combination of all the above factors and some more. Sometimes, there are remarkable survival stories, but we hardly hear of them, ofcourse, unless they are covered in the media. And why not, because anyone who overcomes cancer, has done nothing short of climbing Mt Everest. He/She has been fortunate enough to get checkups regularly, and have the benefit of an expert team, who has been able to get the former cancer patient back to his/her feet. The examples that can be cited here are of many. Lance Armstrong, was diagnosed with testicular cancer. Yet the man fought, and he fought back hard. He beat the disease back, and post his recovery, went on to win more Tour De France championship titles. Another pertinent example, albeit close home, could be of Yuvraj Singh. He was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer, but today, is back at the crease, smashing cricket balls out of stadiums. Lisa ray over came breast cancer, to launch back her highly successful career in entertainment. But one thing is common among all these people. They got treatment, in cancer speciality centers, abroad. In India, until recently, we were yet to see a cancer only center, that is devoted to curing and restoring cancer patients back to their peak health. Usually, the first point of contact, is a family physician, whenever we feel something is wrong. If he cannot diagnose anything, he puts usthrough to a specialist. The problem is, that most common cancer symptoms, are easily dismissed as being some other regular everyday illness. For example the repeated coughing associated with lung and throat cancer, is dismissed as being just a persistent cough. A battery of tests are then run, and then by the time doctors realise, the cancer has spread to other parts of the body, and it is usually too late. Today, thankfully, we have more than a better chance of fighting cancer. Cancer Healer Center, has come up, in India, thanks to the vision of Dr Krishna. He and his team, have relentlessly, been championing the cause of a cancer speciality institute, which treats only the various kinds of cancers, that are found today. The team, is so dedicated, that they have made sure, that the facilities are nothing but top notch, and that the patient receives only the best care, that he deserves. Counselling sessions are held with patients and their families, to re-assure, and rehabilitate the mind. A patient suffering from cancer usually goes through a lot of emotional turmoil, but the team at Cancer Healer Center, is committed to ensuring that the patient has a healthy mind and a healthy body. Novel treatment methods, like immunotherapy, ensure that the patient stands more than a fighting chance to beat back cancer. So give someone who is suffering a chance to fight back this dangerous disease. Give someone the gift of treatment, at Cancer Healer Center.