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“You have to fight through some bad days to earn the BEST days of your life.” It’s October! Breast cancer awareness month, wear pink, show support and know the disease in detail. Breast cancer is a malignant growth that starts in the tissues of the breast. The likelihood of a women being diagnosed with the illness sooner or later amid her lifetime is 1 in 8. Therefore it is vital for women to be breast aware. Get to recognize what is typical/ strange for you in the following Blog.
How do you look for an abnormal breast?
What are the risk factors?
Having a risk factor does not imply that you will get the disease, however not having risk factors doesn't mean that you will not get it. Hence it is important that you talk with your doctor if you think you come across any of the below mentioned risk factors:
Early age menstruation
Birth at older age or never having given birth
Obesity and heavy drinking
Having a family history of breast cancer increases the risk by two to three folds. Also mutations in BRCA1, BRCA2 and p53 results in a very high risk of breast cance
Taking menopause hormones like estrogen and progesterone
Chances of getting the cancer increases with age (above 40)
How can you diagnose the disease?
Physical examination: Examination of the body to check the general health
Mammogram: It is useful in finding early changes in the breast, when it is difficult to feel a lump. However for women under the age of 35 are suggested to take ultrasound instead of mammogram
Ultrasound: A painless procedure which is usually done for women under the age of 35 whose breasts are too dense or solid to give a clear picture with mammogram
Biopsy: Cells or tissues are removed from the breast and viewed under the microscope to check signs for cancer
What are the treatment options?
Different types of treatments are available for patients with breast cancer. Few of the most common treatments include:
Surgery: Most patients with breast cancer have surgery to remove the cancer from the breast. Either the tumor is removed or a part/ complete breast are removed depending on the spread of the disease
Radiation therapy: It is a treatment that uses x-rays or other types of radiations to destroy cancer cells or keep them from budding
Chemotherapy: It is a treatment that uses medicines to stop the augmentation of cancer cells. It kills the cancer cells or stop them from dividing
Other treatments include hormone therapy, Targeted therapy etc. Though successful in treating cancer, the above mentioned treatments have many major side effects like hair loss, damage to normal cells, bone loss etc.
To avoid these side effects you can go for Immunotherapy- a treatment that uses the body’s immune system to fight cancer without any side effects like:
Hair loss, infections, pain, diarrhoea, weight loss,etc.
Normal cells are taken care of unlike other therapies which along with cancer cells destroys normal working cells
No damage to taste buds and Strength of the bones is maintained
Trains the immune system to recognize and target cancer cells and attack the cancer systematically, throughout the body
Cheaper and affordable therapy with almost cent percent results in the 4th stage
The only person who can save you is you! So stay healthy and get yourself screened on a regular basis if you are above 40.