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As February is Gallbladder and Bile Duct Cancer Awareness Month, so it is the best time to get educated about these cancers. Though these cancers are rare, but worth learning about. Gallbladder cancer is a disease in which cancer cells grow in the gallbladder. Gallbladder is located below the liver & stores bile until it is needed by the digestive system. Bile is a greenish-yellow fluid produced by the liver which helps in digesting fatty-foods. Gallbladder Cancer does not usually cause symptoms in the early stages. About 9 out of 10 Gallbladder Cancers are Adenocarcinomas. It is a cancer that starts in the cells with gland- like properties that line many internal & external surfaces of the body. Subtypes include papillary, nodular, and tubular, depending on the appearance of the tumor cells. Unfortunately, there are no screening tests for such cancers, so knowing about the signs / symptoms and understanding risk factors are important. While the majority of Gallbladder cancers are detected /diagnosed in the advanced stages, there are some steps/ precautions you can take to minimize the risks. Following risk factors make a person more likely to develop Gallbladder Cancer:
Gallstones: This is the most common risk factor. Such stones are hard, rock-like collection of cholesterol that form in the gallbladder and can cause chronic Inflammation.
Obesity: Obesity is a major risk factor for gallstones. Patients with Gallbladder cancer are more often overweight.
Older Age: Such type of cancer is mainly seen in older people, but younger people can also be affected by this.
Porcelain Gallbladder: It is a condition in which the wall of the gallbladder becomes covered with calcium deposits. This condition may have a higher risk of developing Gallbladder Cancer.
Female Gender: Gallstones & Gallbladder Inflammation are the major risk for gallbladder cancer & are more common in women than in men.
Gallbladder Polyps: It is a growth that bulges from the surface of inner gallbladder wall.
Sign and Symptoms of gallbladder cancer, are not present until the later stages of gallbladder cancer, but in some cases they may lead to an early diagnosis. Treatment is more effective in the early stages. Some of the most common symptoms are:
Abdominal Pain: Most people with gallbladder cancer have abdominal pain. Most often it is in upper right of the abdomen.
and/or Vomiting: Many people with gallbladder cancer report vomiting as a symptom.
Jaundice: Some patients with gallbladder cancer have jaundice when they are diagnosed.
Gallbladder Enlargement: Enlargement of gallbladder is another symptom which aids in cancer detection.
Other Symptoms: Less common symptoms include weight loss, loss of appetite, severe itching,
Cancer Healer provides effective treatment for Gallbladder Cancer and brings marked improvement even at the last stages using immunotherapy. If you are facing gallbladder cancer, we can help you learn about your treatment options and possible side effects, information & services to help you get through treatment and live well afterward.
joon park Jan 01, 1970, 2 months ago
Dear! Dr. Krishna! My mother was recently founded she has gallbladder cancer spread to lymph node already. I have a question. Is immunotherapy effective to my mother case(gallbladder cancer). The treatment is not known well to South Korea. I am very desperate...thank you!