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Womb- the ultimate environment worth protecting. One of the most common cancers that affect the female reproductive system is the cancer of the womb. It is also known as uterine/ endometrial cancer. Womb is the pear shaped muscular bag that holds and shelter a growing baby during pregnancy. The female reproductive system is made up of the following parts:
The cervix
Fallopian tubes
The exact cause of womb cancer is not known, however there are few factors that increases the risk, these include:
Hormone imbalance: Excessive production of hormone called oestrogen increases the risk of cancer. Hormone imbalance is caused due to menopause, obesity, diabetes, and with hormone replacement therapy
Polycystic ovaries: When you don't ovulate regularly, the lining of the womb increases in thickness due to accumulation of cells. And over a period of time it can lead to cancer
Early menstruation or late menopause
The most common symptoms of womb cancer include:
Heavy bleeding from vagina during periods or bleeding after menopause. Around 90 % of womb cancer is found easily because of irregular vaginal bleeding
Vaginal discharge ranging from pink to dark, foul smelling
Swelling or pain in the lower abdomen and back
Pain during sex or bleeding after sex
Unusual weight loss and excess urination are symptoms of advanced womb cancer
It is not always possible to prevent womb cancer, but some changes can reduce the risk. This includes maintaining a healthy weight, with regular exercise, including low-fat, high-fibre diet consisting of whole grains and at least five portions of fresh fruits and vegetables. According to research long-term use of the combined contraceptive pill can lower the risk of womb cancer. One of the most common treatments of womb cancer includes surgical removal of the womb. But by doing this you cannot get pregnant. Radiotherapy and chemotherapy are also the other treatments available; however they have various side effects like hair loss, damage to normal cells, bone loss, etc. A type of Immunotherapy called ‘Cancer Healer’ therapy is one of the most effective therapies available. It uses the body’s own immune system to fight cancer without any major side effects. Know more about this therapy here: Cancer Healer Therapy
dd Feb 09, 5249, 2 months ago