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For the more carnivorous of us, we, in all our heart and soul, abhor the leafy greens. Thinking it to be cattle feed, we cringe, when someone mentions spinach, and we positively laugh, when someone mentions broccoli. However, when one needs to stay wary of the dangers, of, for example, say cancer, leafy greens are your best friend. Meat is good, by all means. Traditionally, early man, would hunt, and how. Large animals would be brought down with spears, the hide used for clothing, the bones used for weapons and the meat used for food. Temperatures were well below freezing point, so if you walked into a cavemans house, a large slab of whatever large animal he killed, would be hanging from his cave roof, from a hook, not unlike a massive, grotesque chandelier. Today, chandeliers are made of swarovski, and suddenly, the properties of meat aren't the same anymore. Chickens, modified genetically, are barely even able to fly. Pumped to the brim, with steroids, and enhancers, these birds, are bred, to be eaten. Now, there is a distinct difference between breeding to eat, and breeding to sell. There would always be a farmer, somewhere in the remotest corners, who will be hand raising animals, for himself, and then, there are the multinationals, who are creating their own chickens, by injecting birds, with harmful chemicals, that make them fuller, fatter, more money for each pound. Red meat, is no less. Here in India, there are no proper hygiene standards. Because chicken is the staple diet, and beef is not consumed on a large scale, and mutton is so expensive, red meat is thankfully is not consumed in larger numbers. But in metropolitan cities, people love their steaks. And, they should shudder, because, here, the cattle, are not taken care of, hygenically, at all. Little is known, that the ubiquitous Garlic, is quite a wonder. It is one of the foods, that helps prevent cancer. Those eating garlic, as part of their diet, are lucky, as they steer clear of the risks of stomach cancer, colon cancer, and cancer of the oesophagus. Berries, along with being tasty, are an incredible way to beat the disease. These, are rich in antioxidants, which help keep cancers, from growing and spreading. Studies have shown, that our good friend, the tomato, helps prevent prostrate cancer. They contain a high concentration of lycopene, which help you to prevent and ward off cancer. Cruciferous vegetables, like broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower, are helpful in preventing cancer. Researches have found that components in these veggies can protect you from the free radicals that can damage your cell's DNA. Green tea, contains effective antioxidants, which may help prevent cancer, in a variety of ways. They keep free radicals from damaging cells. Tea is shown to shrink tumors. Some, but not all studies, in humans also linked tea drinker's lower incidence of cancer. Whole grains, contain many components, that help lower incidence of cancer. Whole grains, reduce the risk of colorectal cancer, making them a good contender in the cancer fight. Hence, it is seen, that a good diet, is very effective, in deterring,cancer. It is best, to prevent a disease, than to fight it!