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What is immunotherapy?
Immunotherapy is a new cancer therapy in which either the immune system, itself, is trained to attack cancer cells specifically, or immune system is boosted through specific drugs to fight cancer. This therapy is gaining wide popularity lately, mainly because it is offering much greater potential over other Not only this, but also it comes with lesser side effects and it provides continued protection against the disease. Plus, it can work for several types of cancer at the same time.
Why there is the need of immunotherapy?
With 12.6 million people being diagnosed with cancer every year and nearly 7.6 million dying because of it, there is a strong need for an effective treatment procedure. And if we say why specifically immunotherapy, it is because it is powerful, specific and intrinsic. It is powerful in a way that it attacks the cancer systematically throughout the body; specific in a way that it trains the immune system to identify and target specifically cancer cells; and intrinsic because this treatment approach can be applied to nearly all cancer types.
Also, it should be noted that other treatment procedures like drugs and radiation therapy destroys healthy cells along with the cancerous cells while immunotherapy trains the immune system to specifically target the cancerous cells only.
Different immunotherapy types:
There are mainly three types of immunotherapy that are being utilized to treat cancer patients. These are given below:
Monoclonal Bodies: These are man-made immune system proteins that are used to attack a particular part of cancerous cell
Cancer vaccines: These vaccines help in preventing or treating cancer
Other non-specific immunotherapies: Used to boost the immune system
What class of cancers can be treated by immunotherapy?
As said above, it can be used to treat a wide range of cancer types including kidney cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer, bladder cancer and many types of blood cancer like leukemia, lymphoma etc. At last, we can conclude that immunotherapy has come out as a breakthrough in the cancer research field and has a lot to offer.
A Kondanna Jan 01, 1970, 2 months ago
Thank you very much to Immunotherapy for cancer patients.