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Cancer, one of the leading causes of death, in this country, has till date, held its place as a mysterious disease. This is because most people are unaware of the horrors of cancer, especially in the rural areas. Now, such people, with bare minimum resources, cannot research on the internet, about cancer, and what causes it, yet, after toiling hard in their fields, they do love to come home to a good hookah. The thing about hookah, a very common misconception held here, even by urban youth, is that it is healthy. There could be nothing further from the truth. A hookah, is as unhealthy, and as unforgiving, as a cigarette pack, if not worse. A hookah is pulled in straight into the lungs, which means the smoke goes in directly, hitting the alveoli, making the tiny hair in the lungs die. This is horrible because, most villagers choose hookah as a smoking alternative over cigarettes. Even the Rs 500 an hour, red bull flavored hookah in a five star hotel in the city, is equally harmful. A hookah is unhygienic as well, because the mouthpiece is shared by a number of people, this giving you vulnerability to the colony of bacteria that considers that mouth piece as a prime piece of real estate. Cancer has been around for a long time, and we, as a race, have been battling it for years. What is sad, that the battle against cancer is a long one, and man has not always prevailed? Cancer, if detected in the later stages, is almost always fatal. People in rural areas, who have no access to proper Medicare, often ignore the most early, and innocuous signs of cancer. For example, a villager who is coughing persistently will not get himself checked for throat or lung cancer; rather dispel anything that makes him think so. He will think he has a routine throat infection, and will continue smoking his hookah, that is if he is a smoker. Only when he starts coughing up blood, will he realize, something is majorly wrong. The village “doctor” will be consulted; again, someone who has little to no medical expertise in this regard, and the poor villager, will waste away, with time, and die a painful death. As the urban populace, it is our Endeavour to make sure our brothers and sisters do not suffer this horrendous disease. If you are an educated individual, you should definitely do your bit to help the less fortunate. Distribute leaflets, they do not cost much to print, around a thousand of them, you can afford to print, it will probably deny you your weekend pizza, but for a good cause. Distribute leaflets, among the uneducated, telling them about the risks of the disease. Instead of taking photographs of villagers smoking, warn them about the dangers of doing so. A Good Samaritan goes a long way, in making tiny differences to society. As a society, we should educate the youth, about the dangers of cancer, and the kind of lifestyle that invites this horrible disease. We should empower them with information, and teach them about what can append, if healthcare is persistently ignored. Health is wealth, and these poor people are toiling away in fields, to make sure we get to eat our stomach full of chapattis. Educate those and speak to those that work in factories, where compounds like arsenic, and material like asbestos is around. Make sure, that they know full well, the risk of working around these two materials, as both contain a high number of potential carcinogens. Last but not the least, try to guide them to research and read about Cancer Healer Center. Dr Tarang Krishna, has been a pioneer in the field for many decades. CHC is not only about making profit. Helping those who need it, is their primary objectives. Remember, as a responsible citizen. Educate, Empower, Enlighten.