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Chemotherapy is painful. The loss of hair, nausea, listlessness and end-of-life depression takes a toll on the patient.Leaving your body devastated, cancer can be treated holistically.A remarkable treatment has replaced Chemotherapy; Immunotherapy. The 2013 Science magazine renounced Immunotherapy for cancer as the scientific breakthrough of the year. It is based on the premise that a patient’s own immune cells can be trained to recognize and target the cancer cells.
The Immunotherapy has shown successful potential in treating certain blood cancer and researchers are working their best way to apply it to treating solid tumors. The immunotherapy treatment is observed to show remarkable results in patients who have failed to show response to other treatments. The treatment uses the body's own natural defense to fight cancer. Immunotherapy is also referred to as biotherapy and biological response modifiers. The medications work on white blood cells which is the body's first line of defense against any infection. Researchers realized that white blood cells can be stimulated in various ways to boost the body's immune response to cancer and does not affect the healthy tissue. Immunotherapy can also observe to reduce the side effects of other cancer treatments. There are five general types of biological response modifiers. They can be used alone or in combination with each other, or they can be used in addition to other cancer treatments. First, Interferon. These are a group of three proteins released by white blood cells in reaction to invading organisms, to improve the immune system's reaction to cancer. Second, Interleukin that are proteins that increase growth and activity in the body's immune cells. Third, Monoclonal antibodies are designed to attack specific areas on the surface of cells known as antigens. Antigens help the body identify cells that are foreign, like bacteria, virus or cancer cells. Fourth, Vaccines help the body recognize cancer cells and trigger the immune system to destroy them. There are several types of cancer vaccines. Fifth, Colony Stimulating Factors strengthens the human immune system that makes it possible for the patient to endure higher doses of chemotherapy drugs. Cancer Immunotherapy is a recognized as successful approach to treating cancer by Cancer Healer.