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Cancer Healers promotes well-being of their patients as well as their care givers. The medical expert’s team at the clinic impart the importance of healthy lifestyle along with Immunotherapy to cure cancer. Diet for Cancer Patients A diet preferably organic, vegetarian along with plenty of green vegetables and fruits is important to treat cancer. Exercise is essential to enhance the endorphins and bring back the feel good factor. Immunotherapy vs. Chemotherapy Cancer does make you weak. Chemo therapy and radiation may affect your energy levels. These therapies leave you very fragile and in pain. Exercising may not be possible or even recommended. But, Immunotherapy from Cancer Healers strengthens your immune system. It creates an internal environment of well-being that helps you overcome the pain associated with chemo or radiation. Immunotherapy boosts the immune cells to fight cancer cells without side-effects. Your body can perform daily activities with ease as compared to being on chemo or radiation therapy.
How leisure walking is helpfull for Cancer Patients You can walk as an exercise. Cancer Healers experts recommend ‘that if your body is apt to walk tries brisk walking or leisure walking 3-4 km daily’. Walking is the best form of exercise. It is gentle, doesn’t stress you up, you get to be outdoors, relax and even socialise. All of these are candy points for a cancer patient’s healing process. Research indicates that walking regularly can actually ward off cancer. A study released in October 2013, indicated that walking for one hour a day may reduce a postmenopausal woman's risk of developing breast cancer by 14 per cent. Observed by Alpa V. Patel (researcher with the American Cancer Society) and reported that leisure walking is equally beneficial for reducing chances of cancer especially breast cancer. The study concluded that there is a significant decrease in breast-cancer risk for walkers who walked for an hour daily in comparison to women who walked less than three hours a week. The investigation also highlighted that weight, hormonal therapy which is risk factors for cancer also were insignificant incase of regular walkers. In lieu of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Cancer Healers is wrapping up the awareness campaign on a simple message for all- walk daily. The more you walk each week the more chances that cancer stay away from you. You don’t need to race yourself to walk, just maintain a pace that is convenient for your body to handle.