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There has been recent research, that seems to suggest that Vasectomy, the seemingly innocuous procedure, or making yourself sterile, might actually be linked to prostrate cancer. For the layman, prostrate cancer is the cancer of the prostrate gland, a highly dangerous form of cancer, that has the ability to spread, and fast. Now, the protrate, is a gland in the reproductive system of males. And, The cancer grow relatively fat, giving out symptoms of a regular urine infection, like pain while urinating. Later symptoms can also include, blood in the urine, pain in the back, pelvis, etc. Usually, the factors that increase the risk of prostrate cancer, are older age, a family history of the disease, and race. And now, suddenly, vasectomy surfaces as a cause. Now, where does that put us, as a nation, which is already being plagued by excess population, in which vasectomy, population control, and family planning is being excessively promoted? Is it fair to neuter a person? Is it fair, that he not be educated about the risks of getting a vasectomy. If only, proper research would go into a medical procedure, before actually carrying it out, the world would be more of an ailment-free place. The risk, however, is relatively small, and several urologists, have claimed that more research is needed to find out whether this disturbing revelation is entirely accurate, because sometimes, medical research, may not be entirely true. Given, that there are a large number of qualfied specialists, carrying out research in various parts of the world, and cancer research has been forwarded in every sphere, because it has been mankinds relentless effort, to make sure, that he gets cured of whatever it is that ails him, especially if it becomes permanent, malignant, and impossible to cure. Interestingly, a vasectomy has not been linked to an increased risk of low-grade prostrate cancer, but associated with a 20% higher risk of advanced prostrate cancer, and a 19% greater risk of fatal prostrate cancer.
Sexually transmitted diseases, infection like chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphillis, definitely increase the risk of prostrate cancer, because it inflames the prostrate, leading to a higher incidence of prostrate cancer. In some cases, obesity, and an unusual increase in blood levels of testosterone, could also contribute towards being a risk factor. Overall, there are various other factors that give equal weightage, to contributing towards the cause, but why has vasectomy come to recent light? It was a seemingly harmless procedure. The reason is because, the male reproductive system, is very sensitive to permanent biological changes being done upon it. Procedures like vasectomies, may provide a long term benefit of population control, but they also come with added risks. Even if the risk probabiliy is 1%, would you prefer to take a risk with a procedure that could cause you prostrate cancer? For the more educated of us, advanced methods of birth control, like contraceptives, offer a much better alternative. Even though some people do freeze sperm before vasectomies, it is not usually something that one will not regret. Even if you do want to have a child, in the future, you cannot, because the procedure is irreversible. Temporary methods of birth control, are better, than such permanent procedures. Safe sex, is being propagated, and advocated, aggressively, in every corner of the world today. Safe sex, is good, for future generations, as well, as we do not always want to have an unwanted birth. Again, abortions, are horrifying. Safe contraceptive measures are the best. If you have any signs of urinal bleeding, or lower back pain while passing urine, you should consult a specialist. The team at Cancer healer center, will always be able to give you the best advice, when it comes to preventing cancer, because as always, prevention is better than cure.