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A tumour (neoplasm), the abnormal mass of tissue, which may be solid or fluid filled, have often been liked with cancer. However, tumours can be benign, premalignant. There is a plethora of tumours, and a variety of classifications, each reflecting their shape, and the kinds of tissues they occur in. A tumor, is a swelling, and may not pose a necessary health threat, but one must have it examined nevertheless. Tumours may vary in size, and have varied from between 20mm, to 200 lbs (the giant tumor removed from the leg of a Vietnamese man in January 2012). Cancer stem cells, play a major role in the growth and development of tumors, and while many get worried, that the little lump on their body, might be cancerous, one must always go through the necessary procedural tests, to make sure, that it is, or it isn't. Benign tumors, are one's that are not cancerous, and they, cannot, always cause cancer. Examples of these are Adenomas, Fibroids, Hemangiomas, and Lipomas. Pre malignant tumors, are those that are not yet malignant, but have a strong chance of developing into one, if not treated and paid attention to early on. Examples of these are Actinic Kerastosis, Dysplasia of the cervix,Metaplasia of the lunk, Leukoplakia. A malignant tumor, one that usually attracts the most attention, due to its nature, is a cancerous tumor. These grow worse progressively, and unlike their benign counterparts, grow really fast. They seek out new territory, and they spread. The cells that comprise this kind of tumor, multiply at a faster rate than normal. There is no clear distinction between cancerous, precancerous, and non-cancerous tumors, sometimes if a tumor is in the middle of the spectrum, it is difficult to determine what exactly it is. There are different kinds of tumor's that are made up of specific kinds of cancer cells.
Derived from the skins or tissues that line the body, they can occur in the stomach, prostrate, lung, liver, pancreas, colon or breast.
They start of in the cartilage, bones, fat and nerves (connective tissues). These are malignant, in majority, and originate in the mesenchymal cells outside the bone marrow.
Cancer that arises from the lymphatic cells that originate in the marrow, and mature in the blood. These, cause 30% of all the cancers detected within children.
Germ Cell Tumor:
These arise from a germ cell, and occur in the ovaries or testicles.
These are common more in children, and they are derived from the embryonic tissue or immature precursor cells. Tumors, are a health risk, because, more often than not, they are ignored, a lot. In India, we still have the reactive attitude, of getting them examined, after they cause us a considerable amount of discomfort, and become a major health risk. The reality is that, if they are detected early, even malignant tumors, can be successfully removed, hence eliminating the threat of cancer. There have been many reports of breast cancer scares being averted, because the tumor was gotten rid of, in time, before the cancerous cells had a chance to multiply and spread. At Cancer Healer Center, any scare related to cancer, is dealt with holistically, and not allowed to regenerate. Treatment, is provided right from the grassroots, and makes sure that you are at mental peace. Remember. Any signs, of a tumor, are not to be examined by anyone else apart from a trained medical professional. It is necessary to get it checked by experts, to determine the future course of treatment.