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Tobacco, has been used, widely, in its various forms, in India, since time immemorial. There have been cigarettes, cigars, bidi's, hookas, chillums, for the smokers, and guthka, pan masala, chewing tobacco, for the one's who prefer to chew it. Usually, chewing tobacco, is thought to have been prevalent in the lower segment of society, with the urban population majority, preferring to puff away on cigarettes. These two roads, join to lead to cancer, one causes oral cancer, one causes lung cancer. Tobacco, has always been linked to cancer, with deaths amounting to lakhs, every year, here in India. There has been a surge in the number of smokers, especially during the 1990's, when cigarette's were actively advertised, in print and digital media. However, once early studies started showing that there is an active link, with nicotine being a carcinogen, there has been a sever clampdown, on the tobacco industry, with high taxes being levied on them. Consequently, much of these firms, have started to diversify their product line, to prevent heavy lossess.Nicotine is addictive, and highly toxic, but not carcinogenic. This however, causes people to use products continually, and many of these products contain dangerous carcinogens. 30% of all cancer related reaths, are all tobacco related. What is sad, is that smoking, is very prevalent, even today among the younger generations. Peer pressure, amongs the other reasons, such as the desire to experiment, has caused many a teenager to pick up the habit of smoking, something which is very depressing, as it causes a bad example to be set for future generations.
Cigarette's are basically leaves of tobacco, chopped up and processed, wrapped in a special kind of highly combustible smoking paper, which, cylindrical and burning, provides a dose of burning tobacco, and paper, to the smoker's lungs. The main danger here, is the paper. Paper, when burning, gives out Carbon Monoxide, which, if inhaled in sufficient amounts, causes death by asphyxiation. There is a reason why people smoking bidi's, sometimes, as an alternative, a bidi is tobacco wrapped in a tobacco leaf. This, in no way, is propagating the use, of either, as they are both equally dangerous. There is the infamous chewing tobacco. This compound, when placed between the gums, for absorption, causes tiny perforations to be made in them so tobacco can enter the bloodstream. These tiny perforations, number in the hundreds in the gums, and consequently, can cause oral cancer, due to the fact that they eat away at the gumline, corroding it, and providing a convenient nesting place for scores of bacteria. Recently, guthka, has been banned in India. Guthka, a red colored compound, would be chewed, and the contents, would be spat out after sufficient amounts of it was ingested in the bloodstream. Guthka, is basically chewing tobacco, with a sugar coating. This sugar coating, however, does not mask the fact that the danger, is very real, and still the same. Gutkha users, sometimes, forget to spit out the entire contents of their mouths, resultantly, residual saliva, from the chewed gutkha, lodges itself in the inner lining's of the stomach, causing stomach caner, amongst a slew of intestinal problems. Whatever form of tobacco you use, stop it immediately. It only helps to safeguard your already slim chances, against a deadly disease.