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“...We have the belief and the resolve that each of us can make a difference and in sharing strength we stand together, the word we share, isn’t cancer, but survivor...” Find out if you are at risk for breast cancer and fight the disease with Immunotherapy. Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers among women around the world. The chance of a women being diagnosed with the disease some time during her lifetime is 1 in 8. Therefore it is important for women to be breast aware. Get to know what is normal/ abnormal for you in the following Blog.
So what should you look for?
Everyone’s breast looks and feels different in make-up. Some may have lumpy ones or some may have different sizes which changes as you grow. So how do you look for an abnormal breast (one which has chances of developing tumor)? There is no right or wrong way of checking it. But you can keep a note on the following points:
A Change in size or shape of one or both the breast
Redness or rash around the skin or nipple
Discharge from one or both the nipples
Lump in several parts of the breast
Constant pain in the breast
If one or both the nipples change in shape (inverted)
So what should you do if you find any of the above mentioned changes regularly? The breast changes can be due to some other health issues and are likely to be normal. However if the changes continue then a Doctor should be consulted for the same immediately.
Few of the most common risk factors include:
Family history: It increases the risk by two to three folds. Mutations in BRCA1, BRCA2 and p53 results in a very high risk of breast cancer
Reproductive factors: Late menopause, late age at first childbirth are among the most common risk factors
Age: Breast cancer risk increases after a certain age (above 40)
Lifestyle related factors: Using oral contraceptives
Make healthy choices to reduce your cancer risk: few changes in lifestyle, the risk factors can reduce to a great extent.
Limit alcohol and stop smoking
Maintain a healthy weight
Breastfeed if you can
Make exercising a part of your life
Include more of cruciferous vegetables and fruits and less of red meat
Get yourself checked on a regular basis
How can you fight the disease if the cancer results are positive? Immunotherapy is the solution. A therapy that uses the body’s immune system to fight cancer without any side effects:
Highest success rates and no side effects like hair loss, infections, pain, vomiting, nausea, diarrhoea, weight loss etc.
Normal cells are not affected or destroyed during the treatment
No damage to the taste buds
Cancer Healer Center started by Dr. Hari Krishna uses ‘Cancer Healer’ therapy which is a type of immunotherapy and has been successful in treating more than 3200 cancer patients till date.