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Losing your optimism during cancer is normal. The ailment can, at times, be very draining, resulting in sadness and even depression. However, the one thing that is a prerequisite in battling and defeating the disease (besides medical treatment) is a healthy and positive attitude.Let us help you understand this with a real life example. My aunt was diagnosed with cancer when her two kids were 11 and 7 years old. What devastated her most was not the fact that she had cancer, but her childrens worry. After the initial setbacks, one day she pledged to overcome this disease at all costs for the sake for her children. It was during this time that she realised how important it was to stay optimistic, have a positive attitude and continued to keep faith. She did not wallow in self pity and instead lived each day to the most. The results that followed were outstanding. My aunt not only successfully battled cancer but also became a totally new person post her treatment. People came to talk to her just to feel better about themselves. Now isn’t this an incredible thing to know? A person brought down by a life threatening ailment, being able to infuse strength and hope in the rest of us perfectly healthy mortals.
However, a positive outlook isn’t the only tool that will help you sail the high winds. You need to take your medicines on time, eat healthy and derive strength from your family and loved ones. But it sure will make the journey less troublesome and painful. Sometimes, cancer can help you find a perspective on life. It helps you reconnect with your faith, family and friends. A positive attitude lets you take everything in your stride, restores strength, optimism and a deeper love for oneself that can help surpass their current troubles. Staying strong during cancer helps you recover and heal faster.