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Intestinal gut is the hub of all microbial activities. It is home to many friendly bacteria that are essential for our wellbeing. The human intestinal tract hosts microbes that not only aid in digesting and absorbing nutrients but also influence our chances of resisting infections and strengthening immunity. Improving the intestinal tract health has always been on priority list of health experts for various reasons. To list some:
Maintaining a healthy body weight
Nutritional balance
Lipid control
Blood sugar maintenance
To add to the list, is cancer prevention and efficient treatment. Experts have always believed that a healthy digestive tract is important to keep cancer at bay especially colon cancer. Recently, scientists also discovered that efficacy of the cancer treatment depends on the intestinal tract as well. Immunotherapy works best if the digestive tract hosts a healthy microbial growth. Observed in two separate investigations it was seen that three cancer treatments depend on gut bacteria to mobilize the immune system in order to destroy the tumor cells. It was observed that not just in the gut, but also in case of blood cancer (lymphomas) as well as skin cancer (melanomas). The scientists realized that destroying the healthy bacteria with antibiotics neutralized the efficacy of cancer drugs. Immunotherapy is a cocktail of medications that strengthen the immune cells to attack cancer cells without affecting the healthy tissues. Now, scientists discovered that the healthy gut bacteria stimulate the immune cells in the tumor to drink up the cocktail of immunotherapy hence killing the cancer cells. In a scientific research performed on cancer carrying mice, it was observed that if gut bacteria was killed using antibiotics the immunotherapy failed. But, cancer carrying mice, responded well to immunotherapy if their intestinal tract contained healthy bacteria. This study is indicative of fact that maintaining a healthy intestinal gut is necessary to increase the efficiency of Immunotherapy against cancer.
How to maintain a healthy gut? Health experts recommend these few but essential tips to maintain the healthy gut flora:
Eat seasonal fruits atleast nine servings daily
Drink plenty of fresh water all day long
Munch on fibrous raw vegetables in each meal
Avoid eating out especially street foods
Dairy especially curds and buttermilk are natural probiotics (formulas to host gut friendly microbes
Reduce sugar intake in diet
Avoid unnecessary intake of antibiotics
Consume organic foods if possible
Cancer can be treated, Efficacy of the treatment especially Immunotherapy that works on targeted tumor cells depends on various factors. If maintaining a healthy intestinal tract with good bacteria are all it takes, why not? Take home message from Cancer Healer Center this month; treat your gut friendly bacteria with care to keep cancer away.
suchitra Feb 09, 9157, 2 months ago
Wow! enhanced knowledge:)