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In today's fast paced way of living, stress is but a part of our lives. Stress is one of the leading causes of anxiety, tension and other lifestyle related diseases. Stress has made sure that we stop enjoying life, and instead, start looking at ways to cut shortcuts through it. Stress does not allow us to eat or sleep diminishing our appetites, and diminishing our will to be alive. We live, to feed our own stressful existence. It is sad, that given the hectic nature of our lives, and the amount of money we want to earn at some point, that we do not actually get to enjoy anything that we make. Every part of our life, is spent either contemplating, or wondering what happened. Stress is a major cause for depression, and anxiety, and other mental setbacks that occur among the active youth of today. Stress, can be of two kinds. Good stress, keeps us on our toes, prevents us from slacking, and makes us buck up, and meet our goals. Bad stress, however makes us fold under pressure. This is absolutely not desirable, because a functional person, cannot afford to be over anxious twenty four hours a day. A regular life, must be led. Even if you have a very demanding job, you must make sure that you are exercising regularly. Not exercising, and ignoring your diet, and an unhealthy lifestyle, is one of the main triggers, for many of the cancers that we see today. A stressed smoker, will definitely smoke much more, increasing the exposure and risk factor to lung and throat cancer. A person who eats sweets, to combat his stress or anxiety feeds, will put his pancreas in danger, thus increasing the risk of diabetes, and pancreatic cancer. Imagine the stress on the mind of a cancer patient, or the one's whose loved one is suffering from the disease. Stress might cause the patient to sink into depression. Cancer treatment, is a daunting thing, and a lot of this is due to the fact that you always have a 50-50 chance of surviving it. A person, who is undergoing heavy chemotherapy, will be depressed, because the therapy makes you lose weight, rapidly, and also causes you to lose hair, reduces your physical appearance drastically. A person, if not under proper psychological care, while undergoing cancer treatment, is not being treated holistically, because at some point in time, he will want to “give up”. Cancer, is a debilitating disease, and it claims many lives per year. Cancer healer center, along with its revolutionary branch of immunotherapy, offers a lot of psychological guidance counseling to those affected with the disease, and also their loved ones. Dr Tarang Krishna understands the importance of keeping a patient calm, and composed, because that is when you are most conducive to treatment. Cancer healer center, makes sure you have a stress free convalescing environment, so you focus on nothing else, but beating back cancer. In a world dominated by stress, it is good to tune out for a few minutes, especially, if you are bending over with stress, and realize the value of the gift of life.