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Positivity means different things to different people. Most of us try to stay optimistic during challenging spells, but sadly, it isn’t possible to remain so all the time. We all have our share of highs and lows, and no matter what set of cards life throws at us, we have to deal with them. Divorce, death of a dear one, financial losses, being diagnosed with a life threatening disease are all times when we need to stay hopeful and expectant.
Knowing that you have an ailment that is taking away a part of your life every day is not a very cheerful thought. Cancer breaks you in innumerable ways- physical, mental, emotional, financial, etc. It is during this time, that you are required to stay strong and resilient- both for yourself as well as for your near and dear ones. There are a lot of ways of coping with it, some ways work for certain people, while others resort to different measures.
Here are a few suggestions that will surely help you-
The first thing you need to do during this process is to accept things the way they are. You are not expected to remain positive all the time (such a thing isn’t humanly possible). So you can feel down and gray but make sure you bounce back and face cancer the “bring it on” way.
Don’t confuse staying positive with extreme happiness. Being positive means staying hopeful and believing in a better future, you don’t have to be in absolute control, you just have to be less worried, less tired, less depressed and angry.
Stop holding your emotions in- Sometimes; in order to put up a tough exterior, we keep bottling our true feelings in. This is extremely unhealthy for our emotional well-being. Speak up and tell your dear ones how you truly feel, this will surely make you feel light and less burdened. Remember, it’s okay to try.
Get an answer to all the questions that haunt you- We tend to ask certain questions when hit by a personal calamity- Why did this happen to me? What have I done to deserve this? Why is life unfair, etc. Find like minded people or people who have gone through or are going through the same thing and seek advice, help and inspiration.
We understand that it’s easier said than done. Asking others to “stay positive” or “think positively” is easy when it’s only an advice that you’re giving. But on a deeper level, pay heed to such guidance because it will help you in the long run.
At the Cancer Healer Center, New Delhi, along with Immunotherapy, we help you build a positive mindset that aids you in battling cancer and winning over it. Immunotherapy helps you fight cancer effectively and works in coordination with chemotherapy, radiotherapy and other surgeries.
Live Now- Immunotherapy a New Passage to LifeCancer Healer Center | Cancer Healer Center Jan 01, 1970, 2 months ago
[...] a healthy way of living. Remember quality begins from inside, and then works its way out. So stay positive and get your way [...]