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How does Cancer give out signs, symptoms and signals?
Cancer has some of the most generic symptoms that are passed off as regular infections, only detected when it is too late. A sign is something that is detected by someone, like a doctor or a healthcare professional. Like heavy breathing may be a sign of pneumonia. A symptom is something that is felt by the person, but is not seen by anyone else. For example, fever, fast breathing may be symptoms of pneumonia. Since Cancer is of various types, the signs and symptoms are manifold, and should never be ignored, especially if there is an instance of cancer in the immediate family. These will depend on where the cancer is, how big it is, and how it affects the organs and tissues. As the cancer expands, it begins pushing nearby organs, blood vessels and nerves. If the cancer is in a critical part, such as the brain, even the smallest tumor can cause symptoms.
However, the danger lies, when cancer occurs in places that are not vital, or as large. For example, pancreatic cancer does not cause symptoms, until it grows large enough to press on nearby organs, and cause generic symptoms such as belly or back pain. Sometimes, it may obstruct the bile duct, and cause a buildup, in which case the skin and the eyes have a yellowish tinge, similar to jaundice. Hence, by the time pancreatic cancer is detected, it has spread to other parts of the body, apart from the pancreas, and usually this is an advanced stage. Hence, symptoms like unexplained weight loss, non-healing sores, fever, fatigue, nagging coughs, abnormal discharges, are only a drop in the ocean of the vast gamut of symptoms and signs that one might come to associate with cancer. It is best to get any abnormal or recurring symptom checked out early, so as to detect it, and bring it to the notice of the expert team of doctors at Cancer Healer Center, India’s premier healthcare facility, exclusively developed to combat this deadly disease.