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Skin cancer is one of the most common types of cancers known (According to WHO, 2-3 million cases of non-melanoma cancer and 130,000 cases of Melanoma cancers are recorded). It is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the skin. There are two main types of skin cancer:
1. Non-melanoma skin cancer:
(A) Basal cell carcinoma (BCC):
Makes up about 70% of all non-melanoma cancer.
Usually develops on the head, neck and upper body.
Appear as a lump or a scaly/dry area that is pale or bright pink in color.
They tend to grow slowly and don’t usually spread to the other parts of the body
(B) Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC):
Makes up about 70% of all non-melanoma cancer.
Usually develops on the head, neck, hands and all those parts that are usually exposed to the sun
Appear as a thickened red scaly lump
They tend to grow fast and spread to the other parts of the body
2. Melanoma skin cancer:
Not a common type of cancer but the most serious types
It usually appears as a new spot that changes size, shape and color.
They have an irregular surface and appears in different colors such as brown, black, blue, red, white or light grey.
The main cause of skin cancer according to WHO and National Institute of Health is Ultraviolet Radiation (UV). It is a part of electromagnetic radiation emitted by the sun. There are three types of UV rays: UVA, UVB & UVC. While UVC is not a concern when it comes to skin cancer but UVA and UVB play different roles when it comes to tanning, burning and photo aging. Small amount of UV rays are vital for the body (provides VitD). But prolonged exposure can cause acute and chronic effects along with cancer as UV radiation induces change in the cells of the skin. Some of the factors that add up to the risks are:
Fair skin: There is a popular misconception that fair skinned people are at higher risk compared to dark skin people due to more protective melanin pigment. However having less pigment in skin provides less protection from UV rays. But both the groups are usually at risk of getting skin cancer if they are exposed to sunlight for a long time.
History of suntan: Having sunburns during childhood increases the risk of developing skin cancer during adulthood.
Moles: People who have many moles or abnormal moles (dysplastic nevi) are at higher risk of developing cancer.
Family history
Excessive sun exposure
Weak immune system: People with weak immune system (HIV/AIDS patients, patients after organ transplants) are at higher risk of developing the cancer.
Exposure to substances like arsenic, coal tar, petroleum products such as mineral oil or motor oil etc. can increase the risk of skin cancer.
The best way to avoid the risk of skin cancer is to avoid long sun exposure (UV rays exposure)
Spend time in shade between 11am-3pm
Use accessories like hats, sunglasses, scarves to cover the face and body
Use sunscreen with spf 15 or higher
Avoid tanning parlors
Over 95% of skin cancer can be successfully treated if detected early. Therefore self-examining of skin should be done on regular basis and also long exposure to sunlight/ chemicals like arsenic should be avoided. So stay positive, be sun smart and FIGHT AGAINST CANCER!