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At times a person recovering from one kind of cancer encounters another cancer in a different part of the body. So is there any connection between these two types of cancers? We are made up of roughly hundred million million cells containing over 200 different types of cells and so are different types of cancer (more than 200 types of cancer). For instance: the cells that make up the lungs can cause lung cancer and since there are different cells in the lungs, they can cause different types of lung cancers (Primary cancer). But this is not limited to, lungs, the cancer cells can travel through the lymphatic system and spread to the other parts of the body and this is known as Secondary cancer or Metastasis.
Cancer cells can breakdown from the primary tumor and spread to the other parts of the body through either Lymphatic or Blood system or other modes. These cells then settle in a new area and form a new tumor. Even though these cells have spread to the new area, it’s sill named after the part of the body from where it started. Likewise the treatment is based on where the cancer started. Some cancers are more likely to spread to a certain part of the body than other types- a cancer that starts in the lungs is likely to spread to the liver or brain through lymph nodes than to the bones whereas a breast cancer may spread to the bones or underarms. Few of the most common routes of spread are:
1) Lymphatic spread: Spread through lymph nodes
2) Haematogenous spread: Spread through blood
3) Transplantation/ implantation: Spread through surgical equipments during operations
4) Body cavity spread: spread through pleural, pericardial or peritoneal cavity
Main sites of Metastasis:
1) Breast cancer: Usually spreads to the bones, but sometimes to the lungs, liver and brain
2) Kidney cancer: It can grow in the nearby tissues followed by renal vein, inferior vena cava. It then spreads to the lungs and bones
3) Leukemia: Blood cancer may spread into the fluid that surrounds the brain and spinal cord
4) Lung cancer: It spreads to almost all the organs of the body, liver, bones and brain being the most common organs
5) Throat cancer: If it spreads, it spreads to the lungs
6) Stomach cancer: It tends to spread to the liver and distant lymph nodes
7) Thyroid cancer: It spreads to bones, liver and lungs
8) Pancreatic cancer: It spreads to liver, lung and peritoneum
Usually the same treatment is given as that for the primary cancer- for example; metastasis prostate cancer, the treatment is same as the one given to the primary prostate cancer. Secondary cancers are sometimes difficult to treat compared to primary cancers as they undergo genetic changes while traveling to new areas (Note: Research is still being done in this area).
If you can’t fly, then run, If you can’t run, then walk, If you can’t walk, then crawl, But whatever you do, You have to keep moving forward - Martin Luther King Jr.
And to keep moving Dr. Krishnas Cancer Healer Center is one of the best options for treatment of various kinds of cancers. Treatment involves the use of Immunotherapy, which enhances the body’s immune system to fight against cancer without any side effects.