Posted in: Uncategorized by cancerhealercenter
They say, sometimes, the importance of the best of the things is realized, when we find them going away from us. If not nurtured and handled right, the ultimate result would be losing them. Strange but true. Well, the case is similar with cancer. Cancer is such a bitter truth/fact that simply shakes the person from inside out, leaving him/her in a dilemma that nothing happens in here without a reason. Sometimes it’s the superpower’s way of saying, “You need to take control of things now”. Because sometimes, the only time we actually stop procrastinating is the time we actually find them getting out of control? Cancer is the silent killer. For many, it might be unfortunate, but there are many cases wherein cancer happened because of their personal habits. They say cancer didn't come with an alarm. Well, the truth is, it did knock the door when you picked that stick of venom for the first time. Or when you stood with a smoker, breathed the same air, which led you into passive smoking, thus doing you more harm than the smoker himself! Yes, cancer had knocked the door when you didn't get yourself rid from those radon gas releases, the leaky walls you didn't get fixed in time, when you breathed that packed, moist air. When you were high on drugs, and finally got addicted to it so bad that you even forgot the difference between right and wrong.
Life is a one time shot. There are no second chances. Miracles do happen, but living on the edge is NOT the solution. Life may have meaning to the already existing ones, but a young death in the family is the dearth of the entire family. Its unbearable to watch for a parent to watch the most loved soul on earth going back to their basic elements. Death is not funny. Cancer is not funny. Life is not funny. Not a toy to be played with, for its not just your own, it belongs to a lot more. So the next time you pick up that smoking stick, think about the people you are affecting, the loved ones who were always there to celebrate you, the friends, family, whose ultimate aim is to watch you happy, the lover whose day begins and ends with your smile. You are a reason to their smiles. Life is precious; make sure it’s worth it… Worth you! Say no to smoking and cigarettes, say hi to life!