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Cancer, is no doubt a deadly killer, slowly spreading its venom throughout the body, and the sad thing, is that we do not usually, set about diagnosing it, till it reaches its last stages. Basically, to avoid cancer, all you need to do is live a healthy life. Everyone knows what living healthy means; no one actually gets about doing it. However, there are some golden rules that one has to follow, in order to avoid cancer.
Tobacco smoke, is a very major cause of concern, in the department of cancer research. Smoking has been linked directly to cancer, because a cigarette contains a number of different kinds of chemicals, around 250 of them, out of which at least 69 have been known to cause cancer. The cancerous chemicals include, and are not limited to: Arsenic, Benzene, Beryllium, Cadmium, Chromium, Ethylene Oxide, Nickel, Polonium-210, Vinyl Chloride. Smoking basically harms every body organ, and is a leading cause of cancer, of the lung, esophagus, larynx, mouth, throat, kidney, bladder, pancreas, stomach and cervix.
Even small amounts of alcohol can increase the incidence and risk of cancer, but there are certain health benefits of alcohol. The balance of benefit to harm is only, if you have one drink a day, around 70 ml of wine, which is not very much. The risks, are magnified, after two standard drinks, so experts recommend, that adults limit themselves to just two drinks a day.
Overweight and obesity and becoming very rampant, around the world, and all these have been linked to cancer. Unhealthy diets, coupled with sedentary lifestyle, have increased the incidence of cancer, as a lifestyle disease as well. The necessity of body weight, to be maintained, is paramount. Eat healthy, and do not eat junk food, and make sure, you regulate your intake to optimize your energy consumptions.
Lack of physical exercise, is a well-established cause of some of the common cancers. A simple thing would be to just walk, for 30 minutes a day, this offers a lot of benefit, and more will be just better for you.
There is hardly any evidence that is not conclusive. Eat less red meat, and increase your fruit and vegetable intake a lot. Fruits and vegetables reduce your cancer risk considerably, and add to the benefits that you get not from eating the high fat foods, that are causes of obesity.
This is only in places, where the UV index is high. Otherwise, a good dose of daily sunlight is beneficial for your skin. If you know that the UV index is a little more, it is important to protect your skin from the sun, and if you’re out in it, for more than a few minutes, make sure you use long sleeved clothes/trousers, hats, sunglasses, and ample amounts of medicated sunscreen. Most of these precautions help to keep cancer at bay, and other usual ailments as well. It is important to follow just the above simple steps, to make sure that you can stay away from cancer, or rather cancer stays away from you.