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Breast cancer is a form of cancer that develops from breast cells. It usually originates in the inner lining of milk ducts or the lobules that supply them with milk. Breast cancer is usually diagnosed after a routine breast cancer screening, or after detecting certain signs and symptoms. X-Ray mammogram is commonly used for breast cancer screening and has turned into a controversial subject since the last few years. Certain groups of experts and professional are on a disagreement as to when mammography screening should start and how frequently it should occur. Some say that the screening should start at the age of 40, while others insist on 50 as the ideal age, and a few believe that only high-risk groups should go for routine screening. There has also been a latest technological update in the field of sorting and identification of breast cancer stem cells. This identification is a primary step for research in this field.
Next, we come to the newest updates on preventing this deadly disease. According to the reviews of a report by AICR/WCRF, it has been suggested that sweet potatoes, tomatoes, kale, spinach and the many other colorful fruits and vegetables that are rich in carotenoids may reduce the risk of breast cancer. In fact, 35 percent of cancers are related to nutritional factors only. The fact can be backed up through a latest report by the World Cancer Research Fund and the American Institute for Cancer Research which suggests that non-starchy vegetables—such as lettuce and other green leafy vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, as well as garlic, onion and fruits may protect against several forms of cancers. Other preventive measures include regular physical activity, limiting your calorie intake and avoiding alcohol.