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Immune cells play a pivotal role in fighting cancer cells in the body. Scientists have discovered that by counting the number of cancer-fighting immune cells inside a tumour it is possible to predict the survival chances from cancer, ovarian cancer. Tumour Infiltrating T Lymphocytes (TILS) were calculated in women with early stage and advanced ovarian cancer in a certain investigation to determine the disease condition at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, in Seattle. The researchers found that higher TIL levels were associated with better survival of the cancer patient. The researchers made an observation that the percent of TILs was about three times higher in women who survived ovarian cancer beyond five years compared to those who survived less than two years. This test can have broader implications beyond ovarian cancer and be useful with other types of cancer as well. The researchers are excited as this highlights that immune cells number are best bet to curb cancer. This research is connecting the dots on efficacy of Immunotherapy in treating cancer. The researchers developed the technique called QuanTILfy, where blood sample of 30 women with ovarian cancer was tested whose survival ranged from one month to about 10 years. The importance of this investigation is that this new technology can predict treatment response as well as cancer recurrence and disease-free survival earlier and more effectively than current methods.
This methodology can be a part of the cancer management and therefore be used to guide personalized medicine. A patient can now easily determine and decide course of treatment-immunotherapy or chemotherapy drugs to treat cancer. TILS counting can be diagnostic tools in predicating efficiency of treatment and determining surviving chances of cancer patient. This test is still in experimental phases and cost of program is not yet decided, but patients should speak to their doctors and know about the test becoming available to them. The test is not yet avaible for general use. Cancer Healer Team is excited and awaiting this technology as it could help in immunotherapy treatment to determine the immunological response induced in the tumor.