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Oral cancer which includes cancers of the lips, tongue, cheeks, floor of the mouth, and pharynx is a cancer which emerges as a growth or sore in the mouth that does not go away easily. According to American Cancer Society, men are at higher risk (almost twice) of developing cancer compared to women. Other risk factors include:
Smoking: Smokers are six times more likely to get oral cancer than non-smokers.
Consumers of snuff, chewing tobacco are 50 times more likely to develop cancers of the cheeks, gums and lining of the lips.
Age: More common in men above the age of 50.
Alcohol: Drinkers are six times more likely to get oral cancer compared to non-drinkers.
Sun exposure: Excessive exposure to sun especially at a young age increases the risk.
This cancer is particularly dangerous because it is difficult to detect the cancer in the early stage, as it can normally grow without producing pain or symptoms which can be recognized. Also it has a high risk of producing second, primary tumor. The most common symptoms of oral cancer include:
Swelling and rough spots around the lips, gums or other areas inside the mouth.
Development of red or white patches in the mouth.
Unexplained bleeding in the mouth and weight loss.
A mouth sore that won’t heal.
Difficulty and pain while swallowing and moving the jaw.
Hoarseness or change in the voice.
Loss of feeling or pain in areas of the mouth, face or neck.
With early detection and timely treatment this dreadful disease can be prevented. A careful head and neck examination should be a routine part of each patient’s dental check-ups, especially for those who drink and smoke. So make sure to tell your dentist if you notice continuous changes in your mouth such as swelling, soreness or if you have difficulty in swallowing. As they say an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, you can reduce your risk of mouth cancer by;
Do not smoke or chew any type of tobacco product.
Drink alcohol in moderation. The risk of developing oral cancer increases with the amount and length of time alcohol is consumed.
Limit your exposure to sun. Do apply sunscreen to your lips when you are in the sun.
Choose cancer fighting foods in your diet (include beans, berries, green tea, cruciferous vegetables like kale, spinach etc. in your diet)
Visit your dentist and get yourself checked at least once in a year. And brush and floss your teeth regularly. An unhealthy mouth weakens your immune system and reduces its ability to fight diseases. Early detection can increase your survival rate and fight the disease.