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Obesity is one of the most serious public health challenges faced today. You are obese if you weigh at least 20% more than your normal weight compared with your height. Being obese or overweight is linked to 20 different types of cancer because it may negatively affect:
The body's immune system and inflammation
The body's level of certain hormones and proteins
How the body's cell grow and divide
According to research, many types of cancer are more common for people who are obese, which includes:
Breast cancer (after menopause)
Pancreatic cancer
Kidney cancer
Gallbladder cancer
Bowel cancer etc.
Being fat doesn’t necessarily mean you will get cancer but maintaining a healthy weight lowers the risk of many chronic diseases. According to research, people who are obese, have added fat tissues that can produce hormones like estrogens and insulin which can help in the growth of cancer cells. Find out if your are overweight or obese by calculating your BMI (body mass index), the ratio of persons weight and height, and waist measurement.
Small changes in your lifestyle can have big effects on your life. And you can achieve this by eating healthy and small amounts of meal with regular physical activities. Below are few tips to help you lose those extra kilos and get in shape;
Try to keep your meal timings same, this will help you avoid unplanned meals which are usually high in calories
Eat more vegetables, fruits and lean proteins and avoid excess red meat, ghee, and sweet beverages like sodas
Choose foods that are low in fat, like low fat dairy products, spreads etc.
If you prefer having snacks in between meals then choose a healthy option like fruits or low calorie yogurt instead of oily snacks
Make sure you exercise for at least 30-40 minutes on most of the days
Break up your sitting routine at work and move around in every 2-3 hours
And do include the 5 a day portion i.e. 5 portions of fruits and vegetables a day
By incorporating these healthy lifestyle changes in your daily life can make a big difference. You can not only reduce your cancer risk but also other health problems associated with obesity like type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and heart diseases. Remember “It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver- Mahatma Gandhi.