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November is World Lung Cancer Awareness Month. Experts are baffled by the increasing incidence of lung cancer cases, globally. Tobacco usage is certainly to be blamed. The death toll due to lung cancer is more than a quarter of all cancers compared. The medical experts are struggling to reduce the death toll amongst patients of lung cancer. High risk group of lung cancer i.e. individuals who are smokers should consider low dose CT Scan to screen cancer. New England Journal Of Medicine published a study on July 17, 2013 that indicates the benefits of early screening of high risk group.
Lung cancer is considered very serious form of cancer. There are generally no symptoms until the cancer spreads to other parts of the body. There are two types of Lung Cancer:
Small Cell
Non-Small Cell.
The Non- Small Cell Type Of lung cancer is associated with smoking. Not all lung cancers are caused due to smoking. Exposure to radon, pollutants, hazardous chemicals as well as inherited genetic mutations can offset cancerous growth in the lungs. Treatment is available for lung cancer. One has to weigh the financial and health implications and discuss with doctor on the appropriate treatment plan. Surgeries, chemo therapy, radiation therapy all are conventional treatment options. These are effective but invasive and expensive. Cancer Healers has improved the way one looks at therapeutic options for lung cancer. The Immunotherapy strengthens the immunity of the body. This helps ward off the progress of cancer growth. Moreover, the healthy cells bring stronger to fight any infection. The overall wellbeing of the cancer patient is acknowledged. Counselling, family discussions, support systems, treatment options, collaborated therapy all are kept in mind and any patient with lung cancer is made at ease at Cancer Healers with pain free treatment. Immunotherapy is fast being recognised as an integral part of cancer therapy. It is recognised as being safe, effective and pain-less form of healing for cancer.
Inderpreet Jan 01, 1970, 2 months ago
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Soumya Sekhar Mohanty Feb 09, 7466, 2 months ago
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