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Remember you are not dying from cancer, you are living with it. Facing cancer can be hard and having to travel around for treatment can be harder. But with Cancer Healer Center’s support and care you can find help and hope within your home. The Center is operative in Delhi, Jaipur, Chandigarh and Mumbai. It also provides online services which makes it easy for people who have trouble traveling. Cancer Healer, a therapy for cancer treatment which is based on Immunotherapy technique invented by Dr. Hari Krishna, a renowned Physician who worked in the field of Cancer for around 41 years. Immunotherapy is the use of immune system to fight against cancer. It can be either done by training the body’s immune system to fight against cancer or by administrating antibodies which will help the body fight against the tumour cells. This technique has been successfully used in the treatment of numerous kinds of cancers ranging from throat cancer to kidney cancer. Let’s Educate Ourselves: One of the most common kinds of cancer is colon cancer and very little has been known about the same. Here we will discuss few things about colon cancer:
What is colon cancer?
What causes colon cancer?
What are the symptoms of colon cancer?
How is colon cancer treated?
What is Colon Cancer?
Colon is the longest part of the large intestine and the lowest part of the digestive system. Colon cancer is formed when the uncontrolled cell growth initiates with the cells of the large intestine. Most colon cancers originate from small benign tumors called adenomatous polyps that originate on the inner walls of the intestine. And some of these polyps will turn into malign colon cancer over time which will invade and damage the healthy tissues surrounding the wall. These cancerous cells then travel through the blood and lymph systems, spreading throughout the body.
What causes Colon Cancer?
Few of the most common factors that may influence the risk of development of colon cancer are; Age (over the age of 50), excessive drinking of alcohol, obesity, smoking, diets rich in red meat and family history of Colorectal cancer.
What are the symptoms of colon cancer?
Most of the common symptoms include:
Abdominal pain
Blood in the stool
Weight loss
Note: At times there are no symptoms at all.
How is colon cancer treated?
Though there are many treatments available, but currently Cancer Healer has become one of the most operative therapy. It has no side effects and also it can be used in conjunction with other therapies. The cancer healer treatment is very effective, with majority of the patients alive five years after diagnosis. Colon cancer is a curable cancer if diagnosed in the early stage, especially when the polyps are formed. Hence make sure that you consult your physicians yearly regarding the same and maintain a healthy way of living. Remember quality begins from inside, and then works its way out. So stay positive during cancer and get your way out.