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Cancer is a deadly killer, claiming thousands of lives every year, chiefly due to the fact, that the early symptoms are completely ignored, and are assumed to be the regular healthcare issues, that people across all ages are plagued with. There are a lot of myths, surrounding the various kinds of cancer some true, and some not. A short summary can be found below:- Breast cancer incidence is highest in the developed countries, and lowest in the less developed countries. This is because of the amount of industrialization that assists in releasing harmful carcinogenic chemicals, into the atmosphere, everyday. However, people in developed countries also have a longer life expectancy. This increases the cancer risk, in terms of time. The biggest risk of getting breast cancer is getting older, as this reduces the body’s ability to ward off any sort of abnormal cell growth. Lung Cancer is responsible for numerous deaths around the world, primarily, because of the smoking factor. Unfortunately, early symptoms are so generic, that a person usually ignores them. The continuous coughing the coughing up of strange colored phlegm, all this is dismissed for a sore throat. The earlier, however, that lung cancer is detected, the more treatable it is. This is ironic, because people ignore all the early symptoms, and by the time they realize, something is seriously wrong, the cancer has spread to the rest of the body. If you stop smoking it is more likely that you will save your life. Deaths from lung cancer are decreasing around the world, due to the awareness of the harmful effects of consumption of tobacco. Many, who now know its dangers, aren’t starting the habit at all. Prostate cancer enjoys a high incidence, across all ethnic groups, throughout the world. Men, need to know their family history, because any person with three or more relatives who has been diagnosed with this cancer type, is likely to carry a gene. This is also important for people with a history of breast and ovarian cancer. This is also something, to be kept in mind, for adopted people: - they may not be aware of the risks involved. Also, men with a family history of breast cancer are at a higher risk for prostate cancer. Watchful waiting is the order of the day, for men diagnosed with a mild, non-aggressive form of prostate cancer. Skin cancer, incidentally, is the most diagnosed cancer type, because despite what we know about the harmful effects, of the UVA and UVB rays of the sun, we do not protect ourselves, adequately, arming ourselves with medical grade sunscreen. Use long sleeved clothing, when going out in an area, with are prone to UVA and UVB rays. As the above myths unfold, it becomes alarming, because cancer has symptoms that do not raise its ugly head unless it is too late. Now, it is more prudent to get regular health checkups, especially if you have a benign lump or a tumor, remember, it might not be so benign after all. Get checked, and get certified. Fight Cancer.