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“Santa, take my cancer away”; this is the merry song my aunt sings every December. She is a cancer patient struggling to keep pace with life each day. Brain tumour has kept my aunt sick since three years. But, she is not giving up & has prepared herself to fight against Brain tumour. She honors Christmas in her heart & try to keep it all the year. I sat with my aunt over Christmas pie and egg nog last week and made note simple things that are keeping her alive. Savour every day. Cancer can bog you down. The treatment especially chemotherapy zaps energy out of you. But, relish every morning as there is another day to cherish. Celebrate simplicity. Finding happiness in little things, in the chirping of the birds or watching the sunset is what my aunt cherishes and overjoys about. Gratitude is a blessing. Don’t poison your body with malice and regrets. Be thankful and kind to everyone you know.
Give what you can. My aunt is a cancer patient yet she finds a couple of hours a week to volunteer at the orphanage. She enjoys spending time and loving the little toddlers seeking maternal touch. Challenge cancer. The disease cannot kill your soul. Fight it with science, medicine, healthy food. Do everything to beat cancer and stop it from spreading. Be informed. Learn all you can about cancer treatment in india. My aunt would extensively research about new and better options than chemotherapy. She stumbled upon immunotherapy while surfing the online medical journals and opted it against chemo. She feels a lot better today. Never lose hope. Cancer in Christmas is finding your ray of hope each year and holding it strong.
admin Jan 01, 1970, 2 months ago
Dear Bhagwan, With the correct treatment at the right time, and necessary precautions in this direction, cancer can be overruled. Have faith in your beliefs. We hope you pass this test of time with flying colors. Regards, Team Cancer Healer
bhagwan dutt jha Jan 01, 1970, 2 months ago
dear god. and kind Santa. U Know why I m requesting ur kind, sympathetic self to free dis son of urs from liver cancer. thank u god 4 everything. urs truly, applicant.