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One in six cancers i.e. two million a year globally are caused by curable and avoidable infections. Infections can increase the risk of developing cancers in different ways. Some can cause inflammation or suppress the immune system or sometimes directly affect the DNA. Any of these changes along with your day to day lifestyle (diet, smoking and drinking habits etc.) can increase the risk of cancer. For example, Helicobacter pylori (H pylori) bacteria along with your diet and smoking habits can increase the risk of stomach cancer. Viruses are the most common agents that cause cancer, but some bacteria and parasites may also affect. The four most common types of microbes that accounts for around 1.9 million cases of liver, cervical and gut cancers are Human papillomaviruses(HPV), Helicobacter pylori and Hepatitis B and C viruses. HPVs are usually the main cause of genital warts, cervical cancers and sometimes cancers of the larynx, throat, esophagus etc. They are usually spread through sexual contacts. Most of the HPV infections go away within 1-2 years. But, the infections that last for long increase the cancer risk. As mentioned earlier, these infections along with other factors increase the risk of cancer- these include:
Weak immune system
Poor oral hygiene
Long term oral contraceptive use
This infection can be prevented by avoiding skin to skin oral, anal or genital contact. Also vaccines are available to protect against the infection. H. Pylori are bacteria that are found in the stomach of large number of people. Diet and smoking may interact with HP to cause stomach cancer. Although the bacteria does not cause illness in most of the people but it is a major risk factor for the ulcers of the stomach and small intestine. The infection can be easily treated by antibiotics. Hepatitis B and C viruses along with excess alcohol consumption are one of the main reasons for liver cancer. These viruses can be treated with drugs. Also vaccine for Hepatitis B is available.
HIV (Human immunodeficiency virus) is another cause of cancer such as lymphoma and leukemia. As this virus weakens the immune system it increases the cancer risk. The infections described above can increase the risk of cancer, but if the infection is treated on time it will not develop into cancer. The best prevention is to avoid exposure, for example avoiding contact with blood, needles etc. Also by maintaining a clean and healthy lifestyle one can avoid this situation.