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Cancer Healer Center is the Hospital for Cancer treatment in India which offers Cancer Healer, Medicine based on Immunotherapy to cancer patients. Immunotherapy is a novel method of treatment, where in, treatment helps the person uses his own immune system to fight back the disease. As opposed to chemotherapy, which is painful, immunotherapy does not have any side effects. Cancer is a lethal disease, but in recent times, due to advancement of knowledge in the scientific and medical fields, cancer has been proven to be treatable, and curable, if treatment is administered well. However, sadly, in India, research is still much blindsided, and does not advocate immunotherapy as a method of treatment. Dr Hari Krishna will certainly vouch for this, as Cancer Healer Center, has successfully treated over 3200 patients so far, with brilliant results. By giving your immune system a boost, through holistic and proven treatment methods, ensures that you fight back the disease and uproot it completely, instead of temporarily suppressing it, till it rears its ugly head again. Diet is a very important part of recovery, and is something that is overlooked, often. The fact remains, that food is the building blocks of our immune system. While being treated for cancer, it is important to avoid extreme diets, that leave out key ingredients that nourish the system.
Lack of appetite is extremely common during cancer treatment, but it is important that you keep feeding yourself, small meals, spread out throughout the day. High calorie, nutrient rich foods, like avocados, nuts, fruits, and lean meats and fish, make sure that your body remains fit, for treatment. It is important to note, that if your diet is improper, no treatment can be proven to be effective. It is important to keep away constipation, by drinking water and eating high-fibre foods like beans, lentils, vegetables, and fresh or dried fruit. Leafy greens and milkshakes keep the system healthy as well. Diarrhoea can similarly be kept away by eating foods such as rice and bananas. However, unlike other cancer treatments, immunotherapy does not weaken your immune system, rather helps strengthen it so you have a better chance of fighting the disease, and leading a normal healthy life again. Eating healthy is one of the cornerstones of treatment. At Cancer Healer Center, a well-rounded diet is provided to patients, so they get all the necessary nutrients, without any compromise. We ensure, that you are better prepared to face the disease, and overcome it, and get your life back on track.
suchitra Feb 09, 2363, 2 months ago
Brilliant! thats why everyone is a big fan of Dr. Tarang Krishna