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Ovarian cancer is one of the major cancers that pose threat to a woman. In most cases it does not have any specific symptoms and this makes it difficult to diagnose it at an early stage and save lives. It has been found that if the cancer is at the localized stage, there is 92% chance of survival for 5 years. However, only 15% of cases get diagnosed at this stage. In over 61% cases the detection is done when the cancer has spread thereby reducing the chance of survival.
Symptoms of ovarian cancer
As mentioned earlier there are no specific symptoms of ovarian cancer. Women suffering from it may experience bloating, pain in their abdomen or pelvic region, difficulty in eating or urgency in urination. Fluids get accumulated in the abdomen for which most women feel their abdomen getting enlarged.
Risk factors of ovarian cancer
Family history of breast or ovarian cancer is the most important risk factor. Women who suffer from Lynch syndrome or pelvic inflammatory disease are at greater risk. Body weight and smoking also increases the risk. However, pregnancy and continued use of oral contraceptives have been found to decrease the risk substantially.
Treatment of ovarian cancer
Conventional medical science uses chemotherapy and surgery to treat ovarian cancer. The side effects that are commonly observed are hair fall, mouth ulcers, nausea, reduction in weight and loss of appetite. In most cases these side effects are experienced for a prolonged period thus making it difficult for the patients to lead a normal life.
Alternate treatment of ovarian cancer
Clinical relapse causes the maximum number of deaths in ovarian cancer patients and recurrence of the disease is another major problem. Conventional treatment has so far not been able to solve these issues.
Immunotherapy on the other hand seems to be more effective in preventing cancer and also making the treatment less painful. In most cases it tries to boost the immune system by the use of medicines and other cancer treatment. In this regard a number of highly fruitful initiatives have been taken in India. A cancer specialist in India, Dr. Krishna is primarily working in this field. He has also developed a medicine called cancer healer which has been proved effective against many types of cancer including ovarian cancer. Due to the efforts of Dr. Krishna, cancer treatment in India has received a shot in the arm. Cancer healer is made available to common people at negligible cost and many cases of recovery have been reported. Dr. Tarang Krishna has also joined his father in this noble work and together they are providing relief to thousands of people. Most patients who have undergone treatment with cancer healer have reported speedy recovery. The side effects associated with conventional treatment are absent and this makes cancer healer painless. Dr. Krishna has proved that it is possible to put up a strong fight against ovarian cancer and emerge victorious also. He has ignited hope in the hearts of people and also a will to live.
R.K.Chugha Jan 01, 1970, 2 months ago
Have you experience in treating peritoneal cancer in advance stag e? Is it curable?