Posted in: Uncategorized by cancerhealercenter
Cancer, though hardly attributed to lack of exercise can definitely be attributed to the side effect of not exercising. What is the side effect of not exercising? Something like this definitely exists! Basically, when you work out, the brain releases endorphin, i.e. the same hormone that is released during sex. Some studies do suggest that this feel good hormone can also activate your body’s natural killer cells to fight against cancer cells. So start Exercising. Just maintain a simple workout regime, have a good diet and behold the wonderful results that follow. There are lot many other advantages of work out like it boosts up you confidence, reduce stress levels, calms your mind, etc. The truth is that a little working out is meant for all of us. However there are a few people who genuinely do not find the time. Fear not, for there are micro-regimes for you, some simple workouts that you can do to make your body a little more flexible, stronger, and more responsive to your diet. Lets go through them.
Squats: The basic block of building, a good 50 squats a day, will take you a long way. Remember to maintain a good posture while squatting, as bad posturing while working out can injure your back really badly. Squats make the leg muscles work, these are the largest muscles in the human body, and these could do with the exercise. Do around 5 sets of 10 and feel the wonder.
Pushups: This is again a cornerstone exercise, with almost a hundred different variations, each designed to specifically target a particular body part. The basic pushup form involves placing your hands wide, aligned to your chest and heaving yourself up and down. Keep the back straight and the feet proportionately apart. Again, do 5 sets of 10 repetitions a day.
Lunges: Great for the legs, this is another exercise, that has always been popular amongst professionally trained athletes. Get one leg in front of the other as if you are in the running stance. Then lower yourself, till the knee of the back leg touches the floor. Repeat as much as possible, then switch the leg.
Crunches: Toned core? Yes please! Crunches help build a strong core and help you to create definition and tone in the abdominal muscles.
In addition to these, you can always take a brisk 30 minute walk every day. If not, do an intense run for at least 5 minutes. Mix and match the workouts, get the routine nice and spicy to keep yourself motivated. Remember, if you're not sweating, it’s not working. This simple regime can go a long way in building health block by block. A little exercise never hurt anyone, so either walk, squat, push-up, or lunge. Don’t sit idle.