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“Life doesn’t have to stop when you’ve been diagnosed with blood cancer. Those battling against leukaemia can recover and be fitter and healthier than they ever were. It’s all about showing people that it’s possible to get over it”- John Applebee There is a ‘can’ in cancer because you can beat it! Find out if you are at risk of developing blood cancer and fight the disease with Immunotherapy. Leukaemia the cancer of the white blood cells and bone marrow affects both children and adults. Each year around 35 people in every million will be diagnosed with leukaemia of whom 5 will be children. There are four main subtypes of leukaemia:
Acute myeloid leukaemia (AML): It affects myeloid cells and grows quickly. It occurs in both adults and children.
Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL): It affects lymphoid cells and grows quickly. Most common type of cancer in children, it also affects adults
Chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML): It affects myeloid cells and usually grows slowly. It mainly affects adults
Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL): It affects lymphoid cells and usually grows slowly. It mainly affects people above the age of 55
The exact cause of leukaemia is still not known. However there are certain risk factors that increase the risk of developing the cancer. These include:
Exposure to high levels of radiation: Atomic bomb explosions, radiation therapy, traditional cancer therapies like chemotherapy
Smoking: It increases the risk of AML
Exposure to certain chemicals like benzene used in chemical industries increases the risk of AML, CML and ALL
Genetic disorders like down syndrome and certain other inherited diseases increases the risk of acute leukaemia
Certain blood disorders like myelodysplastic increases the risk of AML
Family history
However having one or more risk factors doesn’t mean that you will get leukaemia but it’s better to consult a doctor if any of the below mentioned symptoms continue for long:
Swollen lymph nodes
Unexplained weight loss
Fever/ night sweats
Muscular weakness
Shortness of breath
Pain in the bones or joints
Bleeding and bruising easily
Note: The above mentioned symptoms might occur during other health problems. Chronic leukaemia usually doesn’t show symptoms, the disease can only be found during blood test. There are several treatments to cure leukaemia; few of the treatments include- Chemotherapy, Radiation therapy, stem cell transplant, Immunotherapy to name a few. But most of the traditional treatments result in major side effects like hair loss, damage to normal cells, taste buds etc. However Immunotherapy is free from all the above mentioned side effects as it uses the body’s own immune system to fight against cancer. Cancer Healer Center started by Dr. Hari Krishna uses ‘Cancer Healer’ therapy which is a type of immunotherapy and has been successful in treating more than 3200 cancer patients till date.