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Did you ever think that poor diet could be one of the main reasons for cancer? Scientific studies have shown that around 80-90% of cancers are caused by environmental factors and out of that 30-40% cancers are directly related to the diet. We eat different types of food containing various nutrients and chemicals. Some of them protect us from cancer while some increase the risk. So what are the dietary reasons that could increase the risk of cancer? The principal dietary factor that increase the risk are obesity, alcohol consumption, diet low in fibres, lack of fruits and vegetables and high red meat and salt consumption.
Alcohol and cancer risk :
Moderate alcohol consumption is linked to heart diseases while drinking too much is related to heart failure, high blood pressure and cancer development risk. According to WHO (World Health Organization) drinking alcohol causes mouth, pharynx, larynx, esophagus, liver, colon, rectum and female breast cancer. When alcohol breaks down in the body, acetaldehyde is formed which is a toxic chemical that directly affects the normal cells by damaging the DNA which can cause cancer.
Obesity and cancer risk:
Overweight or obese people have increased risk of Esophagus, pancreas, colon, breast(after menopause), kidney, thyroid and gall bladder cancer. Obese people have increased levels of insulin which may promote the development of certain tumors. Also fat tissues produces excess amount of hormones which increases the risk of cancer (excess amount of estrogen causes breast cancer).
Food contaminants and cancer risk:
There are different types of contaminants present in food that can increase the risk of cancer. For example;
Nitrosamines (chemical found in cured food like ham)
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons formed while smoking and barbecuing food
Hetrocyclic amines formed during frying and baking meat
Salted food like salted fish
Arsenic present in drinking water
Pesticides are considered to be carcinogenic as these chemicals damage the cells making them more likely to become cancerous.
Red meat and cancer risk:
Although there is not strong evidence connecting red meat with cancer, however Bowel and stomach cancers are more common in people who eat lots of red and processed meat.
Fluoridated water and cancer:
The relation between cancer and fluoridated water has been debated for years but no proper evidence is recorded till date. Experiments conducted on rats found that bone tumors were associated with fluoridated water.
Artificial sweeteners and cancer risk:
Various studies have been conducted regarding the connection of artificial sweeteners with cancer but no solid evidence is found till date. According to experiments conducted on rats, few of the sweeteners like Saccharin is associated with bladder cancer, Aspartame is associated with leukemia and cyclamate is associated with bladder cancer. However mechanistic studies (studies that examine how a substance works in the body) have shown that these results only apply to rats. So what type of diet is best for decreasing the risk and maintains a healthy life? This can be achieved by bringing adequate change in your lifestyle and maintain proper healthy diet.
People who consume alcohol on daily basis should not have more than 2 drinks per day for men and 1 drink per day for women. People who are at higher risk of cancer development should consult the Doctor for their alcohol consumption.
Eat less red meat and include large portions of fresh leafy vegetables and fruits in your diet
Eat less sweet and salty food
Include garlic, black and green tea and Vitamin D rich foods in your diet
Few of the best foods for cancer prevention are: Grapefruits, Peanuts, berries, sweet potato, salmon, cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, turmeric. Etc. So make sure you have healthy diet because prevention is better than cure. Stay healthy! Stay fit!