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Cancer, one of the most widely prevalent diseases in the world, gives no notice when it decides to set itself on ome poor unfortunate soul. One of the biggest killers of mankind in today's modern world, Cancer, has taken a lot of lives, and continues to do so, on a regular basis, especially in India. Cancer, can originate in any organ of the human body, and once it settles there, can spread to other parts, via the lymphatic system, or any other methods. Once cancer has spread, it is very difficult to contain it, because pancreatic cancer, may spread to the brain, lung cancer may eventually spread to the rest of the body, blood cancer, because blood keeps flowing continuously, can spread to other parts of the body as well. Cancer, is a killer, a ruthless killer, and must be stopped at all costs. However, it is sad, that in India, there have been little improvements, in terms of tretment technology, to combat cancer. Even though we have some huge multispeciality hospitals, claiming to be the best cancer treatment centers in this nation, the majority of the rural population, and some of the urban population cannot afford this superexpensive multispeciality care, which more often than note, promote chemotherapy, as a branch of cancer treatment. Chemotherapy, is an old way of treating cancer, which uses certain methods to fight back and destroy cancerous cells, terribly debilitating and weakening the human immune system in the entire process. Chemotherapy causes weight loss, hair loss, and sunken appearances, and contrary to looking better, you tend to look way worse than when you started out. Detecting cancer is not easy, because, it sometimes presents symptoms that are so generic, we may be foolish enough to dismiss them, as cold or cough symptoms. However, a persistent cough can be a sign of lung cancer, throat pain can be for oral cancer, and sometimes, backpain may indicate prostrate cancer. Now, in the rural areas, people are obviously not knowledgeable, because they do not possess the means to research, and get the necessary facts about this horrible disease. Even when they do go, to doctors, these doctors are unable to guide them or counsel them properly with regards to cancer. As a result, they are thoroughly misdiagnosed, and die, without proper treatment. Thankfully, in India, we have a specialist body, that ONLY deals with cancer, this is the lifelong hard work of Dr Tarang Krishna, who has made it a point to fight back this deadly disease, and give everyone suffering from it, a fighting chance to survive. Cancer, destroys families, and no one should be made to suffer. Especially, when there is Cancer Healer Center, that helps patient overcome this disease, using a novel method of treament called immunotherapy, which helps strenghten the body's immume systen, which helps fight back cancerous cells, thus giving the patient, a better chance of survival against this horrible illness. At Cancer Healer Center, each symptom is judged carefully, and evaluated, and treatment, is so personalized, and so precise, the results are mind blowing. Cancer Healer Center, is the premier center, for cancer care and treament in India, and is one of the best facilities for cancer care in India.