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Cancer does not only affect the life of an individual, but also the family. Family plays a very important role in helping a person cope up with cancer. A cancer diagnosis is a challenging and life threatening state for everyone. One of the most elementary role of a member of the family is to be a source of support and inspiration and to stay strong. Because if they lose hope it will be difficult for a patient to cope up with this situation. Although cancer can’t be treated with love and the support of the family alone, but it can always motivate a person to stay strong and fight against the disease. Below are few of the tips that family can do to support their loved ones during cancer:
Caregivers should keep their feelings aside and try to motivate/ cheer up the patient.
Members of the family can help their dear ones by assisting and bringing them to appointments.
They should provide help when required and avoid excess pampering, this way the patient won’t feel overwhelmed by the attention.
The ill ones should be encouraged to be active and self-governing, this will help them regain the poise and self confidence.
Families should keep themselves informed about the illness and the treatments because they will make have to make decisions when the patient is not in a state to make his own.
Try to stay calm when your loved ones get angry with you. Their stress, fear or worry may come out as anger. Talk to them when they are calm.
And last but not the least they should be inspired and given all the love they deserve. As they say the love of a family is the life’s greatest blessing.
As families are the main source of inspiration and support, if they can’t cope up, it will be difficult for them to take care of the ill ones. Here are few of the tips for families to cope up during this situation:
Maintain a positive attitude and accept the situation.
Keep yourself fit- Exercise daily. Avoid alcohol/ drugs, you can fight stress better if your body is physically fit.
Talk to other members of the family or friends when you feel hopeless during the treatment of your loved one.
Use your energy doing things that will cheer you up and let go of things that don’t matter.
Maintain a healthy diet because if you are not healthy, you will not be able to take care of the family. and
Take time for yourself, indulge in activities which relaxes you.
And as they say“Family is where life begins and love never ends.” So be the family your loved one will look upto and fightcancer together.