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Cancer is dreadful. But it can be treated if diagnosed on time. Chemotherapy, Radiation, surgery is the primary option. But, experts believe that more holistic approach to cancer can supplement the treatment. Most cures of nature can be found in your pantry. All you need to do is find them, stock them and believe in them. Many success stories quote that their food was the medicine. What you eat ‘nourishes’ you and stops the cancer from growing further. The oncologist team at Cancer Healer Center in New Delhi recommends that imagine your meal plate as your cancer fighting first aid kit. You simply arrange food on it that heals you damaged tissues. Plate some greens first. Lot of spinach or fenugreek that is not fried or greasy is mandatory. Let the greens heal you. The beta carotene in green leafy vegetable is therapeutic. Cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli are studied and proven to have cancer fighting properties. The best way to eat your cruciferous florets is to wash them well, steam or simply microwave them and dress with French dressing. It lets the enzymes work in our body. Orange and yellow vegetables are also high in antioxidants that fight cancer. Red carrots, yellow pumpkin, red tomatoes are rich in lycopene and are preventive cancer foods. Fruits are natural sugars and vitamin rich. Deep coloured produce like water melon, strawberries, pomegranates, raspberries, blue berries; Indian Jamun and Phalsa are all recommended fruits.
Chemotherapy and radiation at time destroy the taste buds, cause mouth sores and lack of appetite. Cancer expert dieticians suggest that cancer patients try small frequent meals. And, liquidising their nutrition actually helps. Juicing is the favourite word of cancer nutritionists. It is suggested that herbs like mint, wheat grass and aloe vera be juiced up along with bottle gourd, white pumpkin and consumed daily as a healthy decoction. Cancer patients need protein in excess. This is primarily due to muscle wasting and fatigue due to disease and chemo or radiation. Protein rich smoothies are thus suggested that are made from organic low fat dairy or soy milk. Fortifying the smoothie with fruit and whey protein enhances the nutritional value. Spirulina is bio food that is rich in protein value five times than red meat. Cancer Healer Center approach is holistic and good nutrition along with exercise and Immunotherapy is sure way to ward off cancer and supplement chemo or radiation therapy.